(* Content-type: application/mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 7.0' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 145, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 52134, 1289] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 48454, 1176] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 50043, 1226] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 49715, 1214] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Maximizing the Viewing Angle of a Painting", "DemoTitle", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.35696210375764*^9, {3.45968042096875*^9, 3.459680440578125*^9}}], Cell["", "InitializationSection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "ManipulateSection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Manipulate", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"painting", "=", RowBox[{"Graphics", "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "0.03", "]"}], ",", "Blue", ",", RowBox[{"Line", "[", 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"ManipulateCaptionSection"], Cell["\<\ This Demonstration provides a visualization of this oft-asked optimization \ problem: How far from a painting hung high on a museum wall should a \ one-armed stick figure with a red eye stand, in order to maximize the viewing \ angle? 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$CellContext`g[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$; \ $CellContext`viewingAngle[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := (180/Pi) ( ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$] - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$]); $CellContext`point2 = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]}]}]; \ $CellContext`viewPlot = Plot[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`x], {$CellContext`x, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "\[Theta]"}, PlotLabel -> Style["viewing angle \[Theta]\[Degree]", 18]]; $CellContext`museumPlot = Plot[{ $CellContext`f[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`g[$CellContext`x]}, {$CellContext`x, 0, $CellContext`a$$}, AxesLabel -> {"x", None}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 20.2}, {0, 20.2}}, AspectRatio -> 1]; Text[ Pane[ Row[{ Show[$CellContext`museumPlot, $CellContext`painting, \ $CellContext`head, $CellContext`eye, $CellContext`body, $CellContext`leg1, \ $CellContext`leg2, $CellContext`arm1, $CellContext`angleMarker, ImageSize -> 300], Column[{ Show[$CellContext`viewPlot, $CellContext`point2, ImageSize -> 240], "", Style[ Row[{ Style["x", Italic], " = ", $CellContext`a$$, "'"}], 18], Style[ Row[{"viewing angle \[Theta] = ", N[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]], "\[Degree]"}], 18]}]}], ImageSize -> {560, 300}]]), "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`t$$, 4, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 8, "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{$CellContext`a$$, 10, "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, "Options" :> {TrackedSymbols -> True}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{603., {222.34375, 227.65625}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->1097391636] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "SnapshotsSection"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 4.58, $CellContext`b$$ = 8, $CellContext`t$$ = 4, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`t$$], 4, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`b$$], 8, "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`a$$], 4.58, "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, Typeset`size$$ = {560., {149., 154.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = True, $CellContext`t$16014$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$16015$$ = 0, $CellContext`a$16016$$ = 0}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`a$$ = 4.58, $CellContext`b$$ = 8, $CellContext`t$$ = 4}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`t$$, $CellContext`t$16014$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`b$16015$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`a$16016$$, 0]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> ($CellContext`painting = Graphics[{ Thickness[0.03], Blue, Line[{{0, $CellContext`b$$}, { 0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}}], Blue, PointSize[0.05], Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$}], Blue, Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}]}]; \ $CellContext`head = Graphics[ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4.75}, 0.75]]; $CellContext`eye = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}]}]; $CellContext`body = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4}}]]; $CellContext`leg1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`leg2 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 1.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`arm1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ - 1, 4.5}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 3}}]]; $CellContext`angleMarker = Graphics[{ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}, 5, { Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$], Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]}], Text["\[Theta]", {$CellContext`a$$ - 4 Cos[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]], 5 + 4 Sin[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]]}]}]; $CellContext`f[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$ + \ $CellContext`t$$; $CellContext`g[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$; \ $CellContext`viewingAngle[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := (180/Pi) ( ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$] - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$]); $CellContext`point2 = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]}]}]; \ $CellContext`viewPlot = Plot[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`x], {$CellContext`x, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "\[Theta]"}, PlotLabel -> Style["viewing angle \[Theta]\[Degree]", 18]]; $CellContext`museumPlot = Plot[{ $CellContext`f[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`g[$CellContext`x]}, {$CellContext`x, 0, $CellContext`a$$}, AxesLabel -> {"x", None}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 20.2}, {0, 20.2}}, AspectRatio -> 1]; Text[ Pane[ Row[{ Show[$CellContext`museumPlot, $CellContext`painting, \ $CellContext`head, $CellContext`eye, $CellContext`body, $CellContext`leg1, \ $CellContext`leg2, $CellContext`arm1, $CellContext`angleMarker, ImageSize -> 300], Column[{ Show[$CellContext`viewPlot, $CellContext`point2, ImageSize -> 240], "", Style[ Row[{ Style["x", Italic], " = ", $CellContext`a$$, "'"}], 18], Style[ Row[{"viewing angle \[Theta] = ", N[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]], "\[Degree]"}], 18]}]}], ImageSize -> {560, 300}]]), "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`t$$, 4, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 8, "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{$CellContext`a$$, 4.58, "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, "Options" :> {TrackedSymbols -> True}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{603., {222.34375, 227.65625}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->1271665816], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 18., $CellContext`b$$ = 8, $CellContext`t$$ = 4, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`t$$], 4, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`b$$], 8, "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`a$$], 18., "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, Typeset`size$$ = {560., {149., 154.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = True, $CellContext`t$16076$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$16077$$ = 0, $CellContext`a$16078$$ = 0}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`a$$ = 18., $CellContext`b$$ = 8, $CellContext`t$$ = 4}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`t$$, $CellContext`t$16076$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`b$16077$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`a$16078$$, 0]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> ($CellContext`painting = Graphics[{ Thickness[0.03], Blue, Line[{{0, $CellContext`b$$}, { 0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}}], Blue, PointSize[0.05], Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$}], Blue, Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}]}]; \ $CellContext`head = Graphics[ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4.75}, 0.75]]; $CellContext`eye = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}]}]; $CellContext`body = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4}}]]; $CellContext`leg1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`leg2 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 1.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`arm1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ - 1, 4.5}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 3}}]]; $CellContext`angleMarker = Graphics[{ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}, 5, { Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$], Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]}], Text["\[Theta]", {$CellContext`a$$ - 4 Cos[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]], 5 + 4 Sin[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]]}]}]; $CellContext`f[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$ + \ $CellContext`t$$; $CellContext`g[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$; \ $CellContext`viewingAngle[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := (180/Pi) ( ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$] - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$]); $CellContext`point2 = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]}]}]; \ $CellContext`viewPlot = Plot[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`x], {$CellContext`x, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "\[Theta]"}, PlotLabel -> Style["viewing angle \[Theta]\[Degree]", 18]]; $CellContext`museumPlot = Plot[{ $CellContext`f[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`g[$CellContext`x]}, {$CellContext`x, 0, $CellContext`a$$}, AxesLabel -> {"x", None}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 20.2}, {0, 20.2}}, AspectRatio -> 1]; Text[ Pane[ Row[{ Show[$CellContext`museumPlot, $CellContext`painting, \ $CellContext`head, $CellContext`eye, $CellContext`body, $CellContext`leg1, \ $CellContext`leg2, $CellContext`arm1, $CellContext`angleMarker, ImageSize -> 300], Column[{ Show[$CellContext`viewPlot, $CellContext`point2, ImageSize -> 240], "", Style[ Row[{ Style["x", Italic], " = ", $CellContext`a$$, "'"}], 18], Style[ Row[{"viewing angle \[Theta] = ", N[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]], "\[Degree]"}], 18]}]}], ImageSize -> {560, 300}]]), "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`t$$, 4, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 8, "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{$CellContext`a$$, 18., "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, "Options" :> {TrackedSymbols -> True}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{603., {222.34375, 227.65625}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->1130114568], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 15.04, $CellContext`b$$ = 6., $CellContext`t$$ = 7.11, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`t$$], 7.11, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`b$$], 6., "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`a$$], 15.04, "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, Typeset`size$$ = {560., {149., 154.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = True, $CellContext`t$16138$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$16139$$ = 0, $CellContext`a$16140$$ = 0}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`a$$ = 15.04, $CellContext`b$$ = 6., $CellContext`t$$ = 7.11}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`t$$, $CellContext`t$16138$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`b$16139$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`a$16140$$, 0]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> ($CellContext`painting = Graphics[{ Thickness[0.03], Blue, Line[{{0, $CellContext`b$$}, { 0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}}], Blue, PointSize[0.05], Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$}], Blue, Point[{0, $CellContext`b$$ + $CellContext`t$$}]}]; \ $CellContext`head = Graphics[ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4.75}, 0.75]]; $CellContext`eye = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}]}]; $CellContext`body = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 4}}]]; $CellContext`leg1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 0.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`leg2 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ + 1.25, 0}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 2.25}}]]; $CellContext`arm1 = Graphics[ Line[{{$CellContext`a$$ - 1, 4.5}, {$CellContext`a$$ + 0.75, 3}}]]; $CellContext`angleMarker = Graphics[{ Circle[{$CellContext`a$$, 5}, 5, { Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$], Pi - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]}], Text["\[Theta]", {$CellContext`a$$ - 4 Cos[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]], 5 + 4 Sin[ ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$/2 + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`a$$]]}]}]; $CellContext`f[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$ + \ $CellContext`t$$; $CellContext`g[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := ((-($CellContext`b$$ - 5))/$CellContext`a$$) $CellContext`x$ + $CellContext`b$$; \ $CellContext`viewingAngle[ Pattern[$CellContext`x$, Blank[]]] := (180/Pi) ( ArcTan[($CellContext`t$$ + $CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$] - ArcTan[($CellContext`b$$ - 5)/$CellContext`x$]); $CellContext`point2 = Graphics[{ PointSize[Large], Red, Point[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]}]}]; \ $CellContext`viewPlot = Plot[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`x], {$CellContext`x, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "\[Theta]"}, PlotLabel -> Style["viewing angle \[Theta]\[Degree]", 18]]; $CellContext`museumPlot = Plot[{ $CellContext`f[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`g[$CellContext`x]}, {$CellContext`x, 0, $CellContext`a$$}, AxesLabel -> {"x", None}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 20.2}, {0, 20.2}}, AspectRatio -> 1]; Text[ Pane[ Row[{ Show[$CellContext`museumPlot, $CellContext`painting, \ $CellContext`head, $CellContext`eye, $CellContext`body, $CellContext`leg1, \ $CellContext`leg2, $CellContext`arm1, $CellContext`angleMarker, ImageSize -> 300], Column[{ Show[$CellContext`viewPlot, $CellContext`point2, ImageSize -> 240], "", Style[ Row[{ Style["x", Italic], " = ", $CellContext`a$$, "'"}], 18], Style[ Row[{"viewing angle \[Theta] = ", N[ $CellContext`viewingAngle[$CellContext`a$$]], "\[Degree]"}], 18]}]}], ImageSize -> {560, 300}]]), "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`t$$, 7.11, "size of painting"}, 2, 8}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 6., "placement of painting"}, 6, 10}, {{$CellContext`a$$, 15.04, "distance from wall to eye, x"}, 0.01, 18}}, "Options" :> {TrackedSymbols -> True}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{603., {222.34375, 227.65625}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->1490170308] }, Open ]], Cell["", "DetailsSection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "ControlSuggestionsSection"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[True], Cell[" Resize Images"]}], "\"Click inside an image to reveal its orange resize frame.\\nDrag any of \ the orange resize handles to resize the image.\""]], "ControlSuggestions", CellChangeTimes->{3.35696210375764*^9, 3.459785916792686*^9}, FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"ResizeImages"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[False], Cell[" Rotate and Zoom in 3D"]}], RowBox[{ "\"Drag a 3D graphic to rotate it. Starting the drag near the center \ tumbles\\nthe graphic; starting near a corner turns it parallel to the plane \ of the screen.\\nHold down \"", FrameBox[ "Ctrl", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" (or \"", FrameBox[ "Cmd", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" on Mac) and drag up and down to zoom.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"RotateAndZoomIn3D"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[False], Cell[" Drag Locators"]}], RowBox[{"\"Drag any locator (\"", GraphicsBox[ LocatorBox[ Scaled[{0.5, 0.5}]], ImageSize -> 20], "\", etc.) to move it around.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"DragLocators"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[False], Cell[" Create and Delete Locators"]}], RowBox[{"\"Insert a new locator in the graphic by holding down the \"", FrameBox[ "Alt", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" key\\nand clicking where you want it to be. Delete a locator by \ clicking it\\nwhile holding down the \"", FrameBox[ "Alt", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" key.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"CreateAndDeleteLocators"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[True], Cell[" Slider Zoom"]}], RowBox[{"\"Hold down the \"", FrameBox[ "Alt", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" key while moving a slider to make fine adjustments in the slider \ value.\\nHold \"", FrameBox[ "Ctrl", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" and/or \"", FrameBox[ "Shift", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" at the same time as \"", FrameBox[ "Alt", Background -> GrayLevel[0.9], FrameMargins -> 2, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.9]], "\" to make ever finer adjustments.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", CellChangeTimes->{3.35696210375764*^9, 3.459785918511436*^9}, FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"SliderZoom"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[False], Cell[" Gamepad Controls"]}], "\"Control this Demonstration with a gamepad or other\\nhuman interface \ device connected to your computer.\""]], "ControlSuggestions", CellChangeTimes->{3.35696210375764*^9, 3.3895522232313623`*^9}, FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"GamepadControls"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[True], Cell[" Automatic Animation"]}], RowBox[{"\"Animate a slider in this Demonstration by clicking the\"", AdjustmentBox[ Cell[ GraphicsData[ "CompressedBitmap", "eJzzTSzJSM1NLMlMTlRwL0osyMhMLlZwyy8CCjEzMjAwcIKwAgOI/R/IhBKc\n\ /4EAyGAG0f+nTZsGwgysIJIRKsWKLAXGIHFmEpUgLADxWUAkI24jZs+eTaEt\n\ IG+wQKRmzJgBlYf5lhEA30OqWA=="], "Graphics", ImageSize -> {9, 9}, ImageMargins -> 0, CellBaseline -> Baseline], BoxBaselineShift -> 0.1839080459770115, BoxMargins -> {{0., 0.}, {-0.1839080459770115, 0.1839080459770115}}], "\"button\\nnext to the slider, and then clicking the play button that \ appears.\\nAnimate all controls by selecting \"", StyleBox["Autorun", FontWeight -> "Bold"], "\" from the\"", AdjustmentBox[ Cell[ GraphicsData[ "CompressedBitmap", "eJyNULENwyAQfEySIlMwTVJlCGRFsosokeNtqBmDBagoaZjAI1C8/8GUUUC6\n\ 57h7cQ8PvU7Pl17nUav7oj/TPH7V7b2QJAUAXBkKmCPRowxICy64bRvGGNF7\n\ X8CctGoDSN4xhIDGGDhzFXwUh3/ClBKrDQPmnGXtI6u0OOd+tZBVUqy1xSaH\n\ UqiK6pPe4XdEdAz6563tx/gejuORGMxJaz8mdpJn7hc="], "Graphics", ImageSize -> {10, 10}, ImageMargins -> 0, CellBaseline -> Baseline], BoxBaselineShift -> 0.1839080459770115, BoxMargins -> {{0., 0.}, {-0.1839080459770115, 0.1839080459770115}}], "\"menu.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", CellChangeTimes->{3.35696210375764*^9, 3.459785919698936*^9}, FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"AutomaticAnimation"], Cell[BoxData[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ CheckboxBox[False], Cell[" Bookmark Animation"]}], RowBox[{ "\"See a prepared animation of this Demonstration by selecting\\n\"", StyleBox["Animate Bookmarks", FontWeight -> "Bold"], "\" from the\"", AdjustmentBox[ Cell[ GraphicsData[ "CompressedBitmap", "eJyNULENwyAQfEySIlMwTVJlCGRFsosokeNtqBmDBagoaZjAI1C8/8GUUUC6\n\ 57h7cQ8PvU7Pl17nUav7oj/TPH7V7b2QJAUAXBkKmCPRowxICy64bRvGGNF7\n\ X8CctGoDSN4xhIDGGDhzFXwUh3/ClBKrDQPmnGXtI6u0OOd+tZBVUqy1xSaH\n\ UqiK6pPe4XdEdAz6563tx/gejuORGMxJaz8mdpJn7hc="], "Graphics", ImageSize -> {10, 10}, ImageMargins -> 0, CellBaseline -> Baseline], BoxBaselineShift -> 0.1839080459770115, BoxMargins -> {{0., 0.}, {-0.1839080459770115, 0.1839080459770115}}], "\"menu.\""}]]], "ControlSuggestions", FontFamily->"Verdana", CellTags->"BookmarkAnimation"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "SearchTermsSection"], Cell["optimization", "SearchTerms", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.35696210375764*^9, {3.45968121875*^9, 3.459681220765625*^9}}, CellID->87571998], Cell["max-min", "SearchTerms", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.35696210375764*^9, {3.459681221234375*^9, 3.459681222703125*^9}}, CellID->316787562] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "RelatedLinksSection"], Cell[TextData[ButtonBox["Derivative", BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData->{ URL["http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Derivative.html"], None}, ButtonNote->"http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Derivative.html"]], "RelatedLinks", CellID->437381120] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["", "AuthorSection"], Cell[TextData[{ "Contributed by: ", ButtonBox["Marc Brodie", BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData->{ URL["http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/author.html?author=Marc+Brodie"], None}, ButtonNote-> "http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/author.html?author=Marc+Brodie"], " (Wheeling Jesuit University)" }], "Author", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.35696210375764*^9, {3.432333043774981*^9, 3.432333045441087*^9}, { 3.459681258359375*^9, 3.459681267109375*^9}}] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{761, 676}, WindowMargins->{{10, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, FrontEndVersion->"7.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit) (February 18, 2009)", StyleDefinitions->FrontEnd`FileName[{"Wolfram"}, 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