Avalik loeng

Seminar/töötuba: Michael Breadmore - Introduction to gratitude training

19-23 november külastab Tallinna Ülikooli loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituuti Tasmaania Ülikooli analüütilise keemia professor Michael Breadmore, kes annab kõigile huvilistele 22. novembril avaliku seminari/töötuba.

Loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituut

22.11.2018 kell 12.00 - 15.00

Michael Breadmore - Introduction to gratitude training


Registreeri end Michael Breadmore'i Introduction to gratitude training seminarile/töötuppa. Seminar/töötuba toimub 22. novembril kell 12.00-15.00, ruumis M342. Lisainfo: https://www.tlu.ee/Breadmore

Register to Michael Breadmore's "Introduction to gratitude training" seminar. The seminar will be held on 22 November 12PM to 3PM, room M342. More info: https://www.tlu.ee/Breadmore

Selleks, et sündmusele registreerida töötleb Tallinna Ülikooli (vastutav töötleja) järgmisi isikuandmeid:

Introduction to gratitude avalik

Lisa kalendrisse

iCal calendar


Tänapäeval tähtsustame üha enam oma sotsiaalset ja emotsionaalset heaolu. 22. novembril 12.00-15.00 (ruumis M342) annab professor Breadmore avaliku seminari teemal "Introduction to gratitude training", mis hõlmab vastust küsimusele, mis on tänulikkus ja kuidas see meid igapäevaelus aitab. Seminar/töötuba toimub inglise keeles. Seminar-töötoast osavõtt on tasuta, kuid kohtade arv on piiratud!


Avalikust seminar-töötoast lähemalt:

Introduction to gratitude - The importance of gratitude to enhance our social and emotional wellbeing has gained momentum in the past decade, and has been used by businesses, sports associations, and other professional organisations as a way to improve and enhance their offerings. So, what is gratitude and how might it assist you? Come along and hear from my experiences with gratitude in helping higher degree research students.

Professor Michael Breadmore'ist lähemalt:

Professor Breadmore received his PhD in 2001 from the University of Tasmania before undertaking his first postdoctoral position at the University of Virginia, USA to work on portable analytical technology for genetic diagnostics. He then moved to the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, where he developed electrophoretic methods for therapeutic drug monitoring of anti-fungal and retroviral drugs, with the methods implemented routinely in the adjacent hospital service lab. He then spent eight months working with deltaDOT, a small biotechnology instrumentation company, and helped design their commercial capillary electrophoresis instrument. In 2004, Professor Breadmore returned to Australia as an ARC postdoctoral fellow, in 2009 was awarded an ARC QEII Fellowship and in 2014 began an ARC Future Fellowship.

Foto: Michael Breadmore (erakogu)
FOTO: Michael Breadmore (erakogu)

Professor Breadmore has taught at the interface of chemistry and engineering for over 10 years, and in pure and applied analytical chemistry with a focus on electrophoresis and microfluidics. He has a keen interest in inter-disciplinary teaching, particularly assessment and how this is influenced by discipline conventions, as well as exploiting these conventions in unconventional disciplines.

Tutvu Michael Breadmore'i ja tema teadustöödega lähemalt SIIN.

 Seminari toetab: „Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond“, TLÜ projekt „TLÜ TEE ehk Tallinna Ülikool kui Targa Eluviisi Eestvedaja“
