
Using the Future School methodology, several school development programs have been developed, including those with different thematic focuses and targeting new audiences.

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The Future School continuation program

The continuation program of the Future School, "Sustainability of Evidence-Based Educational Innovation in Collaboration between School and University," is intended for school teams that have previously participated in the Future School program.

The program aims to ensure the sustainability of learner-centered, evidence-based educational innovation in collaboration between the school and the university.

Topics covered include best practices and lessons learned based on dimensions of evidence-based approaches, teachers as leaders, lessons on communication for change and opportunities for spreading change, promoting skills in using evidence in the school, self-analysis, and development of leadership as a leader and shaper of school culture, comparative analysis and school visits, embedding change in various elements of school culture, and using data for decision-making.

Throughout the continuation program, schools can continue to advance their changes with the support of the university team.

Development Program for Education Association Leaders

Development Program for Education Association Leaders is designed for leadership teams of 3-5 association members who plan future activities to ensure sustainability.

The program aims to strengthen the role of teachers' and school leaders' associations in the Estonian educational landscape. Participation in the program helps attendees enhance their leadership skills in the education sector, fostering a collaborative culture and increasing member engagement and readiness to participate in educational debates.

Topics covered include analysis of the association's current activities and model, defining the association's role and goals, leadership and project initiation within the association, engagement, and impact within the education system, communication and collaboration with partners, international cooperation, and networks.

As part of the program, network teams work on planning a change to strengthen their network, aiming for visibility in the Estonian educational landscape and connecting educators/leaders in their field. Each network's development is supported by a mentor throughout the program.

Development Program for Early Childhood Education Institution Leadership

Development Program for Early Childhood Education Institution Management is intended for teams from preschools, consisting of a leader and 3-5 teachers, who collaboratively aim to plan and implement a change within their institution over a year.

The program aims to learn to create conditions for collaborative change management in shaping the learning environment for children's development.

Topics covered include Leadership in learning and teaching, Evidence-based change management, Vision creation, collaboration, and change management, Teacher motivation and empowerment, teacher as a leader, Learner development and creating a learning environment, Sustainability of change, and using data for change evaluation, Leadership that promotes learning, education leadership, Change evaluation; conducting internal assessments in kindergarten.

In addition, there is an opportunity to address the following topics in the context of their institution: inclusive education, supporting child development and networking, multi-level cooperation with parents; community building and project-based learning, Leadership and teaching in a technology-rich environment and digital skills, leader and teacher skills to cope with stress.

Within the program, teams work on planning and implementing one change to create new solutions together and develop skills to manage evidence-based changes. So far, 19 kindergartens in Tallinn have participated in the program.

Development Program for Education Leaders "Leadership that Promotes Learning

Development Program for Education Leaders "Leadership that Promotes Learning" is intended for members of school leadership who have worked as educational leaders in general or vocational schools for at least a year.

The goal of the development program is to enhance leadership competencies for educational leaders and cultivate attitudes that support modern pedagogical approaches. Each participant in the program plans an educational change project for their school.

Topics covered include Planning and leading educational change. Evidence-based school development, including planning for growth, internal assessment, and curriculum development. Promoting learning and learner-centered teaching processes - teaching strategies and supporting self-directed learning, versatile classrooms, educational special needs, individual learning paths, and technology use and supporting teacher professional development and collaboration.

By spring 2022, three cohorts totaling 60 participants have completed the program.

Implementing the All-Day School Model

The All-Day School Model Implementation Program is designed for school teams planning to introduce or implement the all-day school model. Each school participates with a team of up to 6 members, including the principal.

The development program aims to support participating schools in goal-setting and performance evaluation related to the structure of the school day. Each school team, including the principal, engages throughout the year-long program, which includes training sessions provided by Tallinn University (TLÜ), visits to other schools implementing the all-day school model, and individual counseling sessions for school teams.

Topics covered include International perspectives on the all-day school model. Evidence-based change/development management. Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Implementation of teaching strategies in the all-day school setting. Integration of formal and non-formal learning. Principles of modeling.