Avalik loeng

Venia Legendi: Shinya Sugita

Reedel, 8. novembril 2019 kell 9.00 esineb Ökoloogia keskuse seminaril (M523) LTI ökoloogia keskuse vanemteadur Shinya Sugita, teemal: "Enchanted Project and Beyond".

Loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituut

08.11.2019 kell 09.00 - 10.00

Lisa kalendrisse

iCal calendar

Ökoloogia keskuse vanemteaduri kohale kandideerib Shinya Sugita ning tema avalik loeng (venia legendi) toimub reedel, 8 novembril ökoloogia keskuse seminaril kell 9.00 ökoloogia keskuse saalis M-523. Shinya Sugita annab ülevaade oma viimase viie aasta õppe- ning teadus- ja arendus tulemustest.

The ENCHANTED project (Environmental Changes and Their Effects on the Coastal Landscape of Estonia: Past, Present and Future: funded by Estonian Research Council - ITU18-09) will end at the end of 2019. The major aims of this project are to reconstruct the long-term and recent changes in storminess along the Estonian coast and to provide baseline information necessary for evaluating risks posed by the expected changes in storm activities in near future. This talk summarizes the advances in our knowledge and understanding on the past shifts of storm regimes in the second half of the Holocene and discusses on the implications for the future directions of our research activities and contribution to general public and environmental education.

Loeng on avatud kõigile huvilistele!