Loeng ja seminar VII.

Uurimuslik lähenemine ja probleemipõhine õpe haridustehnoloogilistes õpidisainides.

D. H. Jonassen. Learning to Solve Problems: An Instructional Design Guide (Instructional Technology & Training). Jossey Bass Wiley, 2004.
Artiklid ajakirjadest: Computers and  Education, Instructional Science, Educational Psychologist jt.




Artikkel Encouraging the Active Integration of Information During Learning with Multiple and Interactive Representations

Daniel Bodemer and Rolf Ploetzner
In H. Niegemann, R. Brünken, & D. Leutner (Eds.), Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning. Proceedings of the EARLI SIG 6 Biannual Workshop 2002 in Erfurt. Muenster: Waxmann.

*Artikkel Challenges and issues in designing inquiry on the Web

Byung-Ro Lim
British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 35 No 5 2004, 627–643

Artikkel How can exploratory learning with games and simulations within the curriculum be most effectively evaluated?

Sara de Freitas, Martin Oliver
Computers & Education 46 (2006) 249–264

*Artikkel. Design of web-based collaborative learning environments. Translating the pedagogical learning principles to human computer interface

Wilfred Rubens, Bruno Emans, Teemu Leinonen, Antonio Gomez Skarmeta, Robert-Jan Simons
Computers & Education 45 (2005) 276–294

Artikkel Computer-supported inquiry learning: effects of training and practice

Jos Beishuizen, Pascal Wilhelm, Marieke Schimmel
Computers & Education 42 (2004) 389–402