The Wiig Model for Building and Using Knowledge page 2

Wiig's model attempts to define different levels of internationalization of knowledge and therefore could be seen as a further refinement of the fourth Nonaka and Takeuchi quadrant of internalization. The levels of internalization span the classifications of novice, beginner, competent, expert, and master. A novice is unaware of the knowledge available and how it can be used. A beginner knows that knowledge exist and where to get it but cannot reason with it. The competent knower knows about the knowledge, can use and reason with the knowledge given external knowledge bases such as documents and people to help. The expert knows the knowledge, holds the knowledge in memory, understands where it applies, reasons with it without outside help. The master internalizes the knowledge fully, has a deep understanding with full integration into values, and consequences of using that knowledge (Dalkir, 2011, p.80).

Wiig (1993) also proposes a hierarchy of knowledge that consists of public, shared, and personal knowledge forms. Each form might include four types of knowledge: factual, conceptual, expectational and methodological (Dalkir, 2011, pp.80-81).


Take a minute and think: how is the Wiig KM model related to the Nonaka and Takeuchi model? In what ways do they differ? 

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