Mapping the possibilities of ERR's program archive and preparing open data for analysis

Mapping the possibilities of ERR's program archive and preparing open data for analysis

Responsible executor: Andres Kõnno

Project page on ETIS:…

Funded by TLU Research Fund

Tenth International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2018) "Global flows and their cultural-political governance: past and future"

Tenth International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2018) "Global flows and their cultural-political governance: past and future"

Project members: Indrek Ibrus, Triin Roosalu, Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Andres Jõesaar, Maria Hansar, Ramona-Riin Dremljuga 

Funded by EAS

The impact of the changing market and regulatory environment on Estonian audiovisual culture and industry

The impact of the changing market and regulatory environment on Estonian audiovisual culture and industry

Responsible executor:

Ulrike Rohn

Project page on ETIS:…

Funded by TLU Research Fund

Interdisciplinary solutions for communication of Tallinn University's research programs to young people

Interdisciplinary solutions for communication of Tallinn University's research programs to young people

Responsible executor: Arko Olesk

The activity creates a new, multi-media format for communicating research activities to the general public, with a focus on young people.

Project page on ETIS:…

Funded by TLU Research Fund /  Estonian Research Council

X-tee-kunst – E-state open data representations and interventionist art

X-tee-kunst – E-state open data representations and interventionist art

Responsible executor: 

Indrek Ibrus

Project page on ETIS:…

Funded by TLU Research Fund

A cultural semiotic framework for a complex analysis of the educational potential of audiovisual digital heritage

A cultural semiotic framework for a complex analysis of the educational potential of audiovisual digital heritage

Responsible executor: 

Indrek Ibrus

The goal of the project is to develop a theoretical framework based on cultural semiotics for a complex analysis of the educational potential of audiovisual digital heritage.

Funded by TLU Research Fund

The image of Russia through Eurasia: memory, identity, conflicts

The image of Russia through Eurasia: memory, identity, conflicts

Responsible executor: Anastassia Zabrodskaja

Funded by ERA-NET Rus Plus Programme

Three Layers of telling a story

Three Layers of telling a story

Responsible executor: Elen Lotman

Funded by European Commission Erasmus+ 

Publication of the CFMAE Scientific Journal

Publication of the CFMAE Scientific Journal

Responsible executor: Gerhard Lock

The Changing Face of Music and Art Education“ (CFMAE, is the only scientific journal of music and art pedagogy in Estonia, which covers the increasingly diverse and rapidly developing topics of contemporary music and art education. The magazine carries the idea that music and art education is in constant motion: its changing nature can be observed in history (yesterday), shaping modern development (today) and influencing the future (tomorrow). CFMAE is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific journal with international distribution and international editorship, open to international contributions, which offers publication opportunities for professional researchers as well as young researchers and graduate students. In the form of CFMAE, it is a project that regularly presents research in Estonian music and art pedagogy internationally and thereby significantly supports the developments in the mentioned field, which has also encouraged the creation of research groups. CFMAE is a relatively young scientific journal (founded in 2009) and is the only journal in this field in Estonia. 

Funded by TLU Research Fund

Estonian terminology program

Estonian terminology program

Project members: Peep Nemvalts (Humanitaarteaduste Instituut), Tiina Selke ja Gerhard Lock, Marit Mõistlik Tamm


Funded by TLU Research Fund

We are one family when we dance

We are one family when we dance

Responsible executor: Tiina Ollesk

Funded by Republic of Estonia Government office, Tallinn University

Developing a positive image of Paldiski

Developing a positive image of Paldiski

Project members: Mart Soonik, Tiina Hiob, Kristel Abel

Funded by Paldiski Ettevõtjate Liit

Preparation for the international study programme Serious Games

Preparation for the international study program Serious Games

Responsible executor: Andres Jõesaar

Funded by Nordic Council of Ministers': Nordplus Horizontal

Creativity needs nurturing: enhancing school culture through a cross-sectional network II

Creativity needs nurturing: enhancing school culture through a cross-sectional network II

Responsible executor: Eda Heinla

Funded by Nordic Council of Ministers': Nordplus Horizontal

Transparency of New Forms of Media Advertising Online

Transparency of New Forms of Media Advertising Online

Responsible executor: Kaja Tampere

Funded by Helsingin Sanomat (HS) Säätiö

Benchmarking water protection in cities

Benchmarking water protection in cities

Responsible executor: Kaja Tampere

Funded by European Commission Life+ Finnish Ministry of the Enviroment

Architecture short films

Architecture short films

Responsible executor: Koostööprojekt BFMi ja Eesti Arhitektuuride Liit

Made in collaboration with BFM and Estonian Association of Architects

"A dozen questions about Estonia"

"A dozen questions about Estonia"

Responsible executor: Elen Lotman

As part of the project, 12 short films examining Estonia and the nature of Estonians were produced.

Made in collaboration with BFM and Estonian Institute

Participation of the choreography department in the Nordplus network EXPLORATIONS IN MUSIC AND DANCE / EMD NETWORK

Participation of the choreography department in the Nordplus network EXPLORATIONS IN MUSIC AND DANCE / EMD NETWORK

Responsible executor: Tiina Ollesk


Funded by Nordic Council of Ministers': Nordplus Horizontal