lotmani joonis

The responsibility of the Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository is to manage the archive and the library of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints, to publicize and to provide access to their materials, and to assist the work of the scholars who study the archive texts or prepare them for publication. Tallinn University is the holder of the copyrights of Juri Lotman’s and Zara Mints’s works and the Repository handles the transfer of copyright permissions. In addition to that, the Repository organizes the annual international Juri Lotman conference at Tallinn University, always accompanied by a cultural program.

Open for visitors: Monday and Tuesday 11:00–15:00 (visits at other times should be agreed upon in advance). 


adDressM-320, Uus-Sadama 5, 10120 Tallinn

PHONE(+372) 55640957