The Estonian Pedagogical Archives and Museum or its employees have contributed to the preparation of the following monographs:
Pedagogy and Educational Sciences in the Post-Soviet Baltic States, 1990–2004: Changes and Challenges. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2020. 286 pages.
At the Threshold of the Eighth Century: Tallinn Cathedral School from 1319 to 2019. Tallinn: Tallinn Cathedral School, 2019. 240 pages.
History of Tallinn. III, 1710–1917. Tallinn: Tallinn City Archives, 2019. 414 pages.
History of Tallinn. IV, 1917–2019. Tallinn: Tallinn City Archives, 2019. 408 pages.
100 Years of Estonian Education: The Journey of National School from 1918 to 2018. Tallinn: Post Factum, 2018. 192 pages.
Peeter Põld 140. Timeless Values in Pedagogy and Education. Tallinn: Ministry of Education and Research. Tallinn University Estonian Pedagogical Archives and Museum, 2018. 132 pages.
History of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences in the Baltic Countries from 1940 to 1990: An Overview. Riga: RaKa Publishing House, 2013. 288 pages.
Education in Tallinn from 1918 to 2010: General Education and Organisation of Education. Tallinn: Tallinn Education Department, 2012. 743 pages.
History of the Estonian School, 2nd volume (from the 1860s to 1917). Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers, 2010. 774 pages.
History of Educational and Pedagogical Thought in the Baltic Countries up to 1940. Riga: University of Latvia, 2009. 135 pages.
History of the Estonian School, 2nd volume | Education in Tallinn from 1918 to 2010 |