Key dates
Dates for theses submission 2024/2025
Human-Computer Interaction | 29.04.2025 |
Interaction Design |
6.05.2025 |
Digital Learning Games | 29.04.2025 |
Open Society Technologies | 29.04.2025 |
Dates for theses defence 2025
Human-Computer Interaction | 30.01 and 27.-28.05.2025 | room A-447 | Schedule |
Interaction Design |
23.-24.01.2025 |
in Zoom | Schedule |
Digital Learning Games |
31.01 and 29.-30.05.2025 |
room A-402 | Schedule |
Open Society Technologies |
28.01 and 28.05.2025 |
in Zoom |
Key dates for 2024/2025
Date | Event |
28.08–03.09.2023 |
Orientation Week for International Students |
31.08.2023 |
04.09.2023 |
Beginning of Autumn Semester |
23.–29.10 2023 | Intermediate week of the Autumn Semester (exams, intensive courses, special seminars) |
29.01.2024 | Beginning of Spring Semester |
25.–31.03.2024 |
Intermediate week of the Spring Semester (exams, intensive courses, special seminars) |
20.06.2024 |
Graduation ceremonies of the School of Digital Technologies |
30.06.2024 |
End of the Spring Semester |
Also see the University Academic Calendar here and Public Events calendar here