Applied research
School of Digital Technologies offers following services for companies and other organizations:
- consultation about design of technology-enhanced learning technologies;
- design and development of learning environments (workplace and informal learning, higher and secondary education context);
- competency management - e-solutions for competencies, development of competency models, evaluation and management of competencies;
- initial investigation of client's needs in the field of human-computer interaction;
- development and evaluation of different prototypes of software solutions in the field of human-computer interaction;
- usability testings and development suggestions for the clients in the field of human-computer interaction.
Interaction Design Lab
The Interaction Design Lab (ID Lab) was opened in the School of Informatics in 2009 to develop a research, design and innovation unit in Estonia that promotes knowledge and skills in the field of interaction design. ID lab represents Estonia in the TwinTide research network funded by the European Union, the aim of which is to harmonize IT tool design and evaluation methodology practices and research activities in various fields of activity and specialties. The interaction design laboratory has an active team of researchers and practitioners led by Prof. David Lamas.
Current fields of research and activities
- Bridging the digital divide for mobile digital libraries.
- Broad-based mobile interactions.
- Textbook metaphor in extended learning environments.
- Development of m-government services.
ID lab has actively participated in more than 20 production sector innovation and development short projects. The main ID laboratory services are:
- initial identification of needs;
- prototype development and evaluation;
- usability studies and making development proposals.
The Laboratory of Interaction Design plays an important role in the teaching process of the School of Digital Technologies, coordinating the Human-Computer Interaction master's program, conducting an ever-increasing number of bachelor's and master's courses, and supporting the launch of various master's research projects. The ID lab team also conducts interaction design courses within the Tallinn University summer school and winter school.
Since November 2012, World Usability Day events have been held under the leadership of the interaction design lab. In addition, in 2014, regular seminars for professionals and interested parties in the field of interaction design were launched under the leadership of ESTCHI.
Contact: Vladimir Tomberg
Game Lab
The goal of the Game Lab is to lead your knowledge to next level by introducing the possibilities and the potential of hardware virtual reality (VR).
Contact: Martin Sillaots
Robotics Lab
The purpose of the technical lab is to provide support for learning, development and research projects, as well as technical knowledge in the field of robotics, IoT and automation. Students, researchers and companies interested in prototyping solutions in these fields are invited to the laboratory.
Contacts:: Tanel Toova, Jaagup Kippar
Software Development Lab (SDLAB)
SDLAB offers access to both expertise and resources necessary for implementing existing designs as functional prototypes or exploring new algorithms and enabling technologies for existing applications and services.
SDLAB can support students working on their ongoing studies projects or thesis-related topics, as well as teams engaged in current research projects and industry partners wanting to explore specific software development related challenges. The lab is mostly used by Digital Learning Games students.
Contact: Martin Sillaots