Research team

Ongoing Projects

Project ETIS Project Members Duration


MODINA - Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience

The project Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI) and audience interaction, on-site and online. This aim has two interconnected approaches, targeting dance artists, media artists (creative technologists) and audiences. The first approach is to build capacity for dance artists and media artists regarding new digital and AI-based approaches in dance – for preparing, performing, distributing and re-purposing dance works (including online) – through collaboration between artists, technologists and our team. The second approach is to allow audiences to engage with performances in an augmented way: enhancing the stage context with technology; using audience interaction strategies; through online channels; or a combination of these. The project partners will be 3 academic institutions and 5 dance centres, across 6 countries. The dance centres will be the main interface with the artistic community and audiences. The universities will provide technical and theoretical knowledge and solutions. The outcomes of the project will be: new dance pieces; performances, workshops and seminars; new software tools for contemporary dance performances; new theories and best practices for dance and technology; increased experience, knowledge and opportunities for artists; enhancing and expanding the audience for dance.

MAR23022 Nuno Correia 2023-2026

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Model-based Learning Analytics for Fostering Students’ Higher-order Thinking Skills

Students need instructional scaffolding to develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS). The project will propose pedagogical-psychological models and learning analytics infrastructure for supporting teachers to scaffold development of students’ HOTS using model-based analysis of students' traces. The project follows design-based research methodology involving teachers in two intervention contexts. In the first phase the focus is on instructional methods in mathematics to validate the models. In the second phase integrated science education in outdoor learning settings will be included. In the final stages, we aim for large-scale field evaluation involving 1000+ students to evaluate the impact of pedagogies and model-based learning analytics technologies on the development of students' HOTS. Based on a national level digital learning resource infrastructure and together different stakeholders, the project will spearhead widespread adoption of model-based LA technology in Estonia.


PRG1634 Kairit Tammets 2022-2025


AI-Mind: Intelligent digital tools for screening of brain connectivity and dementia risk estimation in people affected by mild cognitive impairment

More than 10 million Europeans show signs of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition intermediate between normal brain ageing and dementia. The evolution of MCI differs from person to person; some remain stable or return to normal, but 50% progress to dementia within five years. Current practice lacks the necessary screening tools to identify those 50% at risk. The patient’s journey typically takes many years of inefficient clinical follow-ups before a conclusive diagnosis is finally reached.  AI-Mind will radically shorten this journey to 1 week through a digital solution that is able to provide a fast and accurate (>95%) prediction for the individual dementia risk. Our AI-Mind platform service can be easily integrated into existing clinical practices and contains 2 new artificial-intelligence-based tools. The AI-Mind Connector identifies dysfunctional brain networks. The AI-Mind Predictor assesses dementia risk using data from the Connector, advanced cognitive tests, genetic biomarkers and important textual variables. Our aim is to set up a European clinical network that will upload patient data to the AI-Mind European cloud platform.

TRU21016 Sonia Sousa 2021-2026

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SEEDS: Stakeholder-Based Environmentally-Sustainable and Economically Doable Scenarios for the Energy Transition

Urgent efforts to cut energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in the EU are hindered by the limitations of the methods used to inform the design of national energy transition pathways. The techno-economic worldview of cost minimization embedded in these methods means that resulting scenarios remain disconnected from the many challenges to their implementation, driven by the concerns of real stakeholders — both citizens and policymakers. Such concerns are often environmental (e.g. land and resource use) or social (e.g. acceptance of infrastructure for local residents). So far, no solutions exist to integrate both of these into the techno-economic energy system modelling methods used to design future energy scenarios. We address this by developing and testing a novel computational workflow to actively engage humans in scenario design while accurately modelling the relevant technical, economic and environmental constraints. With this project, we plant the seeds for a publicly desirable, environmentally friendly and technically implementable energy transition.


TKA20195 Ilja Šmorgun 2021-2024


HYBOT - Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots

Project aims at creating specific learning spaces through interlinking physical and digital learning environments. In these spaces, various teaching 
and learning scenarios can be implemented, with variety of time, place, number of students, collaborative and individual tasks. HT seems be a solution, which could greatly support on-campus universities when designing their post-Covid teaching and meeting the needs of post-Covid students.


  Sirje Virkus 2021-2024


DITECH - Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs


TÕA20205 Sirje Virkus 2021-2024


iHub4Schools - Accelerating Digital Innovation in Schools through Regional Innovation Hubs and a Whole-School Mentoring Model

iHub4Schools will propose mechanisms to accelerate whole-school digital innovation in and across schools through establishment of Regional Innovation Hubs. Our aim is to support a minimum of 75 European schools and 600 teachers to implement project approaches by establishing regional innovation hubs as sites of establishing and multiplying school-to-school mentoring structures. This will be achieved, firstly, through different support mechanisms that will focus on supporting the collaboration between digitally advanced and less advanced teachers and schools through a variety of peer learning approaches and engagement structures. Secondly, iHub4Schools will develop a whole-school mentoring model that is locally, methodologically and technologically adaptable. It embraces both inter- and intra-school levels, and integrates a continuous monitoring methodology by including novel evaluation approaches and the Learning Analytics Toolbox. Regional Innovation Hubs will be established in 5 European countries and the mentoring model will be piloted with 600 teachers in 75 schools. Long-term sustainability will be ensured by a systematic stakeholder engagement strategy that will integrate initiatives and partners on a local level, such as local municipalities, school boards, teacher associations and network, for these activities to be carried out on the long term. Regional impact will be sustained by the upskilling of the teachers to implement technologies meaningfully to teaching and school heads to scale and sustain the innovation in and across the schools.

TAU20141 Kairit Tammets 2021-2023


TEACH4EDU4 - Accelerating the transition towards Edu 4.0 in HEIs

TEACH4EDU4 project activities are designed to enable the creation of the environment for implementation of new learning and teaching approaches in various disciplines. The project includes higher education institutions joined in the partnership to enable its teachers and students a unique exercise in acquiring new skills and new teaching methods in line with the developments in Industry 4.0. The project will tackle skills gaps and mismatches. With the unique concept of Joint Creative Classrooms this project is expected to offer mobility from home experience and a significant increase of knowledge in the field of education.
The project will result in a series of tangible and intangible results: Catalogue of new forms of teaching, learning and assessment in Edu 4.0 and related teachers’ skills and competences, Learning design models, Collaborative Teaching Methods for Joint Creative Classrooms, Guidebook on the use of learning data to create evidence-based learning design decisions and Partnership Manifesto - Transferability of the developed models.
TÕA20169 Sirje Virkus 2020-2023


MIL - Medical information literacy

The aim of the Project “Medical Information Literacy ” is to develop innovative international, professional continuing education programme based on the methods used by andragogy and to develop methodological materials (e-book) addressed to lecturers


SHERPA: SELFIE HElpeR & Pedagogical innovation Assistant

SHERPA is a two-year Erasmus+ project with a mission to strengthen the adoption and systematic use of SELFIE across Europe. SELFIE is the European Commission’s free, customisable self-evaluation tool helping schools to better understand their progress on digitally-enabled teaching and learning. SHERPA will provide schools with vitally-needed scaffolding for on-boarding SELFIE and will help them gain full benefits from their SELFIE report in terms of both strategy and practices.

SHERPA will develop and deploy two key outputs:

  1. SELFIE HELPER, a chatbot system that assists schools to use theSELFIE platform, providing them with real-time help in resolving their specific user issues;
  2. SELFIE PEDAGOGICAL TOOLKIT, a comprehensive package to help schools transform their SELFIE results into concrete innovation strategies and actions for employing digital technologies more effectively in teaching and learning.

Both services will be field tested with schools in each of the SHERPA partner countries and will be made available in five different languages: English, Estonian, Finnish, Greek and Italian.

TRU20001 Mart Laanpere 2020-2021


HUM@N - Digital Transformation in Humanities

The project aims to develop a set of tools and guidelines addressed to higher education educators/professors in the field of humanities (literature, history, geography, philosophy etc.) with the goal to improve their ICT skills, teaching performance and consequently the attainment of their students and motivation. Ultimately the project seeks to renovate the classic ways of teaching humanities subjects which are the least likely to be affected by the digital transformation, yet are those that can benefit the most, bringing our cultural heritage to a stake of European economy in different field


Linda Helene Sillat

2019 - 2021


INOS - Integrating open and citizen science into active learning approaches in higher education

The project is piloting open and citizen science activities in higher education context and develops learning resources, project contributes in increasing public engagement of HE students and staff to the society.



TKA19143 Kai Pata 2019 - 2022


TeaEdu4CT  - Future Teachers Education: Computational Thinking and STEAM

The project develops innovative educational approaches to practical STEAM education that are based on Computational Thinking (CT) as related to trans-disciplinary and holistic STEAM perspectives. We promote a pragmatic approach to CT as to a set of tools, techniques and approaches which enable a seamless transition from the early-aged child’s unplug activities to a comprehensive modelling and computer simulation activities of K-12 and early years university students.
Objectives: (1) to improve pedagogical skills and competencies of prospective teachers, that are related to the teaching and training of various aspects of CT; (2) improve CT skills of prospective teachers


Mart Laanpere

2019 - 2021

Ended projects

Nimetus ETIS Projekti liikmed Kestus

GOPROSOCIAL – Neurocinematic system for assessing and training prosocial behaviors

What motivates people to help? Dual-process theories of cognition, characterized by Kahneman as "thinking fast and slow" represent an important advance in our understanding of the roles of emotion and reason in motivating human prosocial behavior and empathy. We will first examine affective chronometry underpinnings of two types of empathic reactions using subjective, behavioural and physiological measures. In parallel we will design, validate and optimize a novel interactive physiology-based neurocinematic system that uses videos, pictures, sound and virtual reality for assessing and training prosocial behavior based latest neurofeedback research. Once system mature, we will also explore other application areas including clinical (pain, depression) and neuroart domains. The expected results will help improve a wide range of important personal individual and societal decisions motivated by perceived efficacy (charitable giving, threats to human health or refugees crisis).
PUT1518 Aleksander Väljamäe 2017 - 2020

Re-designing and co-creating innovative cultural heritage services through libraries

Project code: 2018-1-LV01-KA204-047006

The aim of the project is to encourage society to become more involved in identification, preservation, and consumption of cultural heritage by developing training programs and educational materials for libraries and making them available via Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) thus promoting or contributing in re-designing existing and co-creating new innovative services in cultural heritage institutions.

Further information

TRU19051 Sirje Virkus 2018-2020


DesignIT - Design thinking in higher education for promoting human-centered innovation in business and society

DesignIT, aims at enriching entrepreneurial education at the tertiary level by introducing design thinking methodologies that help students empathize with target users, ideate how users will experience a proposed solution, identify opportunities for innovation, and synthesize creative solutions that successfully address needs.
TRU17095 Kai Pata 2017-2019

SmartZoos - Cross-border services for creative adventure learning in the zoos of the Central Baltic Region 

Funded by ERF program Interreg Central Baltic 2014 - 2020. Zoos are important institutions of preserving the natural heritage of the CB region - protecting and preserving
endangered species and at the same time increasing the environmental awareness. At the moment, the use of mobile technologies for learning by visitors of the zoos is very traditional, mainly providing static information. There is an active cooperation network between the zoos of the CB region, but at the moment it is limited mainly on exchanging animals and conducting joint research. 
Therefore the main objective of the current project is to integrate the zoos of the CB region into joint tourist attraction through developing and implementing a cross-border service package for creative adventure learning with mobile devices. It consists of a set of online game-based learning tools and related apps for mobile devices. The service package is innovative, because:

  • the visitors of the zoos are not treated as passive learners, they participate in active knowledge creation through designing different gamified assignments e.g. memory puzzles, video/photo telling assignments, quizzes etc.
  • these assignments can be then compiled into outdoor learning games and used for setting up the challenges to other visitors
  • the visitors can arrange tournaments and competitions also with visitors of partner zoos in another country
  • the achievements of the players will be awarded by Open Badges in all 3 zoos.

In the current project the service package will be designed, developed, piloted among 100 visitors of the zoos and jointly marketed by the 3 zoos of the CB region. In the dissemination phase the service package will be also introduced to other zoos of the region. The SmartZoo mobile learning service provides a reason for visitors to return to zoo several times a year and visit several zoos in one year. Thus, the SmartZoo enhances both the environmental awareness and economical growth of the CB region.

TRU15126 Terje Väljataga, Priit Tammets 2015 - 2018


SHEILA - Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics 

This EC Erasmus+ program funded project aims at improving quality in education teaching and learning, which is one of the main priorities under the Modernisation of Higher Education Strategy (Communication published in September 2011). It also follows priorities on the Opening Up Education Communication. The project focuses on student centred learning and learners personalised guidance. Learning analytics holds a big potential to address the pressures and challenges confronting contemporary education institutions. 

TÕA16007 Kairit Tammets, Adolfo Ruiz Calleja 2016 - 2018


EduMap - Adult Education as a Means to Active Participatory Citizenship 

The aim of this EC Horizon 2020 program funded project is to understand and develop the real and potential impact of adult education on learning for active participatory citizenship in Europe. The main research question is: What policies and practices are needed in the field of adult education to include young adults at risk of social exclusion in active participatory citizenship in Europe? EduMAP will compile an inventory of the adult education policies and practices in EU Member States, with a particular focus on their relevance with regard to young adults at risk of social exclusion. Successful educational practices within and outside the EU will be mapped and investigated, in order to help educational agencies to design initiatives catering for the varied needs of vulnerable minority groups. To understand how the providers and users of educational initiatives are situated in the flows of information and communication, we will study and map communicative ecologies in the field of adult education and develop innovative forums for dialogue between educational agencies and young people. The research findings will be used to generate an Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) to give policy-makers and other stakeholders easy access to the information required to address the needs of vulnerable minority groups. The fundamental aim is to help policy-makers, educational authorities and educators to ensure that young generations as a whole will attain the competences needed to actively participate in society and the labour market. 

TRU16008 Kai Pata 2016 - 2018


YCHANGE - Young Scientists as Change Explorers - Students Evaluating Environmental Change in Europe with Digital Space Technologies

Project is EC Erasmus+ program funded. The innovative educational materials and concepts developed within the YCHANGE project enable students to learn about local environmental phenomena, how they are changing and whether these changes are sustainable in a multi- and transdisciplinary way. The materials increase the awareness of teachers and students got the potential of satellite images and their importance for todays´ society. Both teachers and students will be enabled to perform basic satellite image analysis to address environmental issues.

  Priit Tammets, Terje Väljataga 2016 - 2018


LEAP - Lean and Agile Practices linking Engineering Higher Education to Industry

This EC Erasmus+ program funded project aims at promoting engineering in higher education using Lean and agile learning design framework. The project is designing and developing the serious game and teacher support materials that integrate industry roles, real life problems, innovative solutions. Tallinn University is leading Good practices WP and is also responsible for Learning Framework, serious game development, instructional support and developing and validation of good practices.

TRU16183  Triinu Jesmin, Kai Pata 2016 - 2018

IC-Health - Improving digital health literacy in Europe 

The aim of this EC Horizon 2020 program funded project is testing a new model of digital health literacy intervention development and application based on co- creation of Massive Open Online Courses to enhance EU citizens’ skills on how to search, understand and appraise online health information. 

TAU16120  Kairit Tammets, Jaanika Hirv 2016 - 2018


PT&SCHE -  Introduction of part-time and short cycle studies in Serbia 

Funded by EC program Erasmus+. Project aims to propose, currently missing, the legislation framework for both PT & SCHE studies in Serbia (EQF Level 5). Two project partners, authorized for HE legislation (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development, and National Council of Higher Education) will be actively involved in this project. 
The Strategy on Education Development till 2020 in the Republic of Serbia identified the need for part-time (PT) and short cycle (SCHE) studies and the appropriate action plans were adopted. With this project, they will be implemented, as their legislation framework will be specified, tested and prepared for adoption, and supported by recommendations for their implementation. As the final result, the HE system will become more relevant and adaptable to the labour market in Serbia.

TÕA15166 Vladimir Tomberg 2016-2018



CURE - Curriculum Reform for Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Principles in Israel and in Georgia 

Project is funded by EC program Erasmus+. CURE is a multi-faceted program for curricular reform that aims to improve the level of curriculum for Civic Education and Principles of Democracy in teacher-training programs in Israel and in Georgia through: developing new courses, faculty training workshops, student leadership training, student activities, establishing Civic education clubs/centers at CURE’s Israeli and Georgian universities and colleges and in schools where students practice teach.

  Sirje Virkus, Elviine Uverskaja, Silvi Metsar, Tiiu Pohl 2016 - 2019


DesignIT - Design thinking in higher education for promoting human-centered innovation in business and society

DesignIT, aims at enriching entrepreneurial education at the tertiary level by introducing design thinking methodologies that help students empathize with target users, ideate how users will experience a proposed solution, identify opportunities for innovation, and synthesize creative solutions that successfully address needs.
TRU17095 Kai Pata 2017-2019

IC-Health - Improving digital health literacy in Europe 

The aim of this EC Horizon 2020 program funded project is testing a new model of digital health literacy intervention development and application based on co- creation of Massive Open Online Courses to enhance EU citizens’ skills on how to search, understand and appraise online health information. 

TAU16120  Kairit Tammets, Jaanika Hirv 2016-2018


EU-DO-IT - European Digital Online-Game for Intercultural Learning and Translanguaging 

Project is funded by EC program Erasmus+. EU-DO-IT objective is to use game based learning up roach in order to to promote multilingualism and multicultural aspects in the modern Europe. The main outcome of the project will be an graphical adventure game that can be used as interactive tool for learning languages and understanding the social, cultural, and educational aspects in different EU states. EU-DO-IT main focus is to provide engaging and innovative support to new immigrants.

TKA16155  Martin Sillaots 2016 - 2018