The main ongoing scientific research in the School of Digital Technologies is related to developing the new generation’s distributed learning environments, consisting of interoperable free social software and other pedagogical ICT applications, self-directed learning in hybrid environments, and the integration of bottom-up and top-down ontology for the selection of activities and learning resources. In recent years more attention has been also paid to issues related to university-industry cooperation aspects, and workplace learning. The School has developed several ICT solutions that have the potential to be used as mediators supporting the use of innovative methods in classrooms as well as virtual learning.
Research and development activities are coordinated by the Centre for Educational Technology (CET).
The Centre for Educational Technology is the primary developer of educational software in Estonia. The School has developed several ICT solutions that have the potential to be used as mediators supporting the use of innovative methods in classrooms as well as virtual learning.
Additionally, the School also operates an Interaction Design Lab.
Two main research fields in Informatics are:
Digital Transformation and Lifelong Learning
Applied linguistics – Language Technology (language technology tools for learner language analysis and support for language learning, improvement of learner language resources).