Study Areas
The Tallinn University School of Natural Sciences and Health is an academic unit of Tallinn University that conducts studies on the three levels of higher education, continuing education and research, development and creative activities in the following study areas.
There are three study areas in School of Natural Sciences and Health:
- Movement, Health and Sport Sciences
- Natural Sciences and Education for Sustainable Development
- Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
Movement, Health and Sports Sciences
The academic direction of movement, health and sports sciences connects the study programmes linked to personal service – physical education and recreation management – and is devoted to research and studies in movement, performance, ergonomics, recreation management, health conduct and sports sciences.
The academic direction is a partner to the focus fields on educational innovation, society and open governance and digital and media culture with the goal to integrate movement and health promotion with the health and activities of the individual, the society, governance and the whole nation.
Head of Academic Direction:
Kristjan Port
Telephone: (+372) 6391 758
Natural Sciences and Education for Sustainable Development
The academic direction of natural sciences and sustainability focus on studies and research in biology, physics, geoecology, environment management, biochemistry and ecology.
Our research focuses on ecological studies, base and applied research in nature sciences, evaluation of effects on nature, and collaborating on the integration of sustainability into the educational system and governance. The institute also encompasses the Institute of Ecology.
Head of Academic Direction:
Priit Reiska
E-mail: Priit
Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
The academic direction of psychology and behavioural sciences joins the expertise from psychology and organisational behaviour and applies them in studies and research.
The research fields of the direction are psychological studies, creative arts therapies, instruments of assessment, research and consultation in organisational behaviour, behavioural and neurosciences, predictive services and developing their applications.
Head of Direction:
Aleksander Pulver
Telephone: (+372) 6409 394
Tallinn University School of Natural Sciences and Health Development Plan
1. Promoting wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle
- In cooperation with our partners, we develop evidence-based health behaviour and environmental recommendations according to local circumstances, and plan interventions and policy recommendations for target groups.
- We expand mental health competencies and knowledge of age-related behaviour, risk factors, and protective factors by supporting studies of health, neurological, and behavioural sciences that rely on natural sciences and innovative methods. We create new models for preventing pathologies.
- We study and develop innovative health and environmental communication measures to inform target groups more effectively.
2. Empowerment and social development
- In order to promote an active and healthy life, we create strategies for developing adaptations to changes, as well as health promotion best practices for risk groups and communities.
- We develop methodologies for employees supporting health-literacy and sustainable behaviour. We also design solutions for work environments and methods of supporting vulnerable groups in the labour market.
- We modernize the scope of health, social, and rehabilitation services to integrate these into the health, education, and social systems.
3. Promoting education for sustainable development
We develop methodology and technology that enables the gathering and analysis of scientific information about natural science’s complex systems and make these available to the public, whilst promoting value-based environmental education.
- We create long-term research and development programmes in cooperation with partners to promote sustainable material science, sustainable use of environmental resources, and ecosystem services.
- We develop didactics of physics, chemistry, and other natural sciences based on ideas of educational innovation and through the application of information communication technology. We integrate the concepts of health, physical activity, and sustainability into teacher education study programmes.
- We develop methods of inclusive education and practical life skills training.
- We provide sustainable development education in all specialisations and at all study levels within the university.
4. Development of health promoting and green university
- We promote healthy lifestyles among university members and are proud to be a green university.
- We hold a strong position in the international network of green universities and plan activities to exchange and implement best practices.
- We implement the LiFE-index methodology in developing a sustainable strategy for the university and for monitoring our development.