SNSH laboratories

These laboratories are equipped with modern IT-based solutions, and aspiring students can already at the bachelor's degree level try out our  world-class research laboratories in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology and geography. In addition to laboratories, teaching and research work is also carried out outdoors - include marshes, lakes and beaches, forests and meadows, parks and streets, as well as celestial stars and underground rivers

Our laboratory complexes are a world-class research infrastructure. A large part of the experimental research and development work in the field of molecular sciences of Tallinn University is carried out in the laboratory of molecular sciences of the School of Natural Sciences and Health. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in private sector interest in molecular science expertise. Researchers of the university have successfully participated in several development projects in this direction, including the Berrich cosmetics series, which has received extensive media coverage in cooperation with Tallinn University, participate in the product development process of Turbliss OÜ and developed beer clarifiers for the Canadian corporation Lallemand Inc.

Take a look around our molecular science laboratories.

Get acquainted with the equipment of molecular laboratories.

Health and mood begin in the brain. And the brain has a place of honor at Tallinn University, also in terms of research. Researchers from different fields are expected to find methods and drugs to treat anxiety, depression or dementia. To this end, the School of Natural Sciences and Health has a research group on functional genomics and bioinformatics. The research group's work directions are transgenic research in clinical, biological and ecological systems.

Read more about the research groups.

The complex of physics laboratories at Tallinn University has one of the most complete and diverse instruments in Estonia. The physics complex includes a laboratory of plasma physics, a laboratory of physical optics, a laboratory of heat education, a laboratory of theoretical physics, etc.

In addition, Tallinn University has access to physiology and kinesiology laboratories equipped with modern technology, which are located in the Räägu study building of the university.

Tallinn University also has a laboratory of experimental psychology, where students conduct research in areas where psychology of law.

The School of Natural Sciences and Health of Tallinn University also includes the Ecology Center with a complex of laboratories. Read more on the Ecology Center page.