Mait Agu Blackbox (197m2, 12x16x7m) is used mainly by choreography students for performances but can also be used for film and television production.
Blackbox has a special dance flooring and portable tribune to enjoy the dance performances. There is built in cabling for 8 cameras interconnected to the Television Studio equipment control room. Blackbox has 6m wide screen with 6100 lumen laser projector Sony VPL-FHZ66.
ChamSys MagicQ MQ70 lighting console is controlling following fixtures:
- 1x Robe T1 Profile
- 12x Robe LedBeam350
- 4x Chauvet Professional Rogue R2XWash
- 8x ETC ColorSource Spot
- 6x Chauvet Professional Ovation P-56FC par
- 6x ADB DW105 15-30° Zoom Profile
- 6x ADB DW105 38-57° Zoom Profile
- 6x ADB C103 7-61
- 9x Parcan
More information and booking
David Truusa
Mobile: (+372) 5557 0002
Room: V-103
Location of the BlackboxVITA building, room V-103