

Science kitchen belongs to the FENN (Food Education Network North) cooperation network of the Nordic and Baltic countries. As part of the Nordplus higher education program, the network will create a common food education focused community that would enable coordinated field development aimed at the latest research and development activities. The partners of the network combine their knowledge on interdisciplinary teaching, the development of elementary school curricula, the creation of teaching materials and the support of higher education with integrated subjects.



In the framework of the Erasmus+ strategic cooperation, teacher training teachers and researchers from four countries combined their knowledge and skills in the development of home economics education. LEAD and NAVI-HED projects involved Tallinn university (as the coordinator), University of Helsinki (Finland), University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and University of Agder (Norway).

The focus of the LEAD (Learning and digitalization in home economics education - 10.2018 - 04.2021) project was contemporary home economics education in basic schools, which would enable students to connect previous knowledge (obtained also in other subjects) and create systematic knowledge structures. Project team searched for innovative ways to use digital tools to support students learning (individual or collaborative knowledge creation) in home economics lessons. As a result, learning activities for basic school were developed and piloted, which would require experimentation and knowledge building. Read more about the project and familiarize yourself with the prepared materials here: www.tlu.ee/LEAD

The aim of NAVI-HED (Navigating through digital challenges in home economics education - 05.2021-04.2023) was to collect good practices of basic school teachers and introduce these to home economics teachers in partner countries, in order to acquire knowledge and skills to use digital tools in distance education. The developed material gives teachers ideas for organizing online lessons and conducting activities on various home economics topics such as cleaning, nutrition, cooking, consumption, etc. Special emphasis was placed on organizing group work and giving feedback in online classes. Read more: www.tlu.ee/en/NAVI




TID (Tuleviku insener-disainer/Future insener-designers) is a study program on climate change for high school students. During the program, young people get to experience different professions (engineer, natural scientist and designer), what are their working principles and how these professions complement each other. In the program, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology and the Estonian Academy of Arts combine the knowledge and skills of different fields. The program is open to young people for whom the curricula of general education schools do not offer enough challenges. The program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. Read more about the program: https://taltech.ee/tehnologiakool/tuleviku-insener-disainer


Geopark of North-West Estonia

On the order of Lääne-Harju Koostöökogu, Tallinn University's KEKO cluster creates a geopark strategy for North-West Estonia. Based on the available data and fieldwork results, the most important geological natural monuments, natural cultural values, ecosystem services and geofood of the region are mapped. Telling the story of North-West Estonia is also approached through local lore and legends, as well as valuing and highlighting local food and customs. As a result, the strategy of the Geopark of North-West Estonia until 2031 will be presented.




