Conference Programme
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Thursday, January 10th
Location: Tallinn University
09.00-09.30 Registration and welcome coffee (Mare building, 2nd floor)
09.30-10.00 Opening words from BFM's director Katrin Saks
10.00-11.00 Film Education in the 21st century – perspectives from Denmark
by Claus Noer Hjorth, Danish Film Institute (DK)
The Danish Film Institute Children & Youth department is responsible for film promotion and film education for children and young people. Based on the key words: Experience, understand and create, the strategies and activities are focused on all aspects of film education and the potential of film. Since 2015 the secretariat for the Danish Media Council for Children and Young People has been an integrated part of the department. The Media Council is appointed by the Danish Minster for Culture. Besides film classification, the unit is responsible for the promotion of Media Literacy, covering all aspects of children and young people’s critical understanding of the digital development and thereby strengthen their active participation and awareness in the digital society.
11.00-11.15 Break for finding workshop rooms
11.15-12.45 First workshop session (limited seats)
12.45-13.45 Lunch break.
14.00-15.00 Media literacy as dynamic literacy. Teaching and learning in digital age
by John Potter, University College London (UK)
What does it mean to be a teacher or a learner in 2018 in the context of digital media? Based on a number of research projects in schools and informal spaces in recent years my talk explores media production, digital making and curation as a set of active new literacy practices in which particular strategic dispositions and skills are employed by children of primary and lower secondary age (5 – 14) to represent identity, affiliation and cultural capital. It will consider these in the light of theories of play and media literacy. It will consider how we can respond as educators and researchers to these paradigm shifts in formal and informal educational settings. It will introduce the concept of the space between home and school as a third space and location of a “porous expertise” which potentially promotes a more agentive engagement in learning. There will be time to show examples of work in media and play of various kinds and hopefully to discuss them in the context of the theories outlined.
15.00-15.15 Break for finding workshop rooms
15.15-16.45 Second workshop session (limited seats)
17.00-19.00 Networking and screening of The Wind Sculpted Land at BFM's SuperNova cinema (Nova building, 4th floor).
An epic documentary of Estonian wild nature where versatile landscapes with wild animals and thousands of migrating bird flocks are screened. The main character of the film is our biggest forest mammal - moose. The journey in the wilderness opens our past endeavours, calls and character, all of which the landscapes have held and sculpted through thousands of years.
Friday, January 11th
Location: Estonian Film Museum
9.30-10.00 Registration and welcome coffee (Pirita tee 64)
10.00-12.30 Film literacy as a key to a better learning
by Marjo Kovanen and Heli Metsätähti, Koulukino (FI)
The presentation will introduce Koulukino’s film education work and learning materials (download here) used in Finland combining the needs of the school curricula and the possibilities of the art of film. Koulukino is an educational institution in Finland working with film as a brilliant pedagogical tool. Experiencing a film provides various topics for discussion, introduces foreign cultures, offers the watcher powerful experiences and the chance to identify with the characters, and enhance one’s understanding of oneself and the surrounding world. Teachers can become media educators by encouraging discussion and sharing their own insights and feelings about the film and the subject.
Film screening: Ailo's Journey. A Finnish-French documentary chronicling the yearlong odyssey of a newborn reindeer through hundreds of miles of Arctic wilderness.
The film screening is followed by a workshop, where a closer look is taken to the film's learning materials and how to put them into good use in an educational manner.
12.30-14.00 Lunch and presentations of learning materials (to be specified)
14.00-15.00 Teachers’ inspiration panel with international guests.
15.00-15.15 Closing words
15.15-17.00 Film Museum open for all participants