Alustavad koolijuhid

Leadership can be understood in vastly different ways depending on the educational policy (including national and historical context) and the expectations placed on educational institutions, as well as the understanding and prior experiences of its members. The development program assists those who have taken on the role of school principal or head of an extracurricular institution for the first time in the last two years to develop their professional competencies and find peers for support as they settle into their new role. 


Program structure

The development program consists of eight modules held once a month, each spanning two training days. Between modules, participants are required to complete independent work, which includes various developmental tasks, additional readings, and self-assessments.

Throughout the entire program, each participant has their own mentor from practice, with whom they discuss their independent assignments. The mentor primarily supports the novice leader during the study period—acting as a listener, reflector, observer, and guide. Regular times for discussions between the participant and their mentor are also scheduled.

The program is supported by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the Estonian state. The activity is titled "Initial and Continuing Education and Development of Education and Youth Sector Professionals."

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