
The aim of the research groups at the Institute of Educational Sciences at Tallinn University is to conduct high-level research in teacher education and educational sciences, inclusive education, educational leadership and innovation, lifelong and non-formal learning, and primary and preschool education.

Collaboration in research and development is carried out internationally, with researchers from other institutes at Tallinn University and institutions from the public and private sectors.        

FEWL Promoting Research on Integrating Formal Education and Workplace Learning

From January 2023, a new project funded by the Twinning program of the European Commission began in cooperation with Tallinn University School of Educational Sciences, Jyväsküla and Paderborn with the acronym FEWL – "Enhancing Research on the Integration of Formal Educational Programmes and Workplace Learning". The project will last until the end of 2025.

Changes in the world of work and in society are generating interest in learning in different environments. So far, workplace learning has been mainly studied in the context of vocational education. The project aims to enhance scientific excellence and research potential in the field of research on integrating formal education and workplace learning (WPL) for students in basic and secondary schools.

Facilitating multifaceted capacity building at the School of Educational Sciences (SES) at Tallinn University (TLU) in this field will be achieved through partnership with two internationally leading research institutions with complementary theoretical and methodological expertise: Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä, and Institute of Educational Sciences at Paderborn University.


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Inclusive Education

Inclusive education aims to provide each learner with a sense of belonging and support, as well as active, meaningful participation in realizing their potential. The inclusive education research group of Tallinn University is engaged in researching practices in the field and developing practical solutions that help support teachers in both school and kindergarten.

In 2018, Tallinn University, in cooperation with Tartu University, started the project "Developing and enhancing the teaching quality of inclusive education curriculum" (TÕA19009 "Developing and enhancing the teaching quality of inclusive education curriculum" (1.02.2019−31.01.2024).

EEA grants

As a result of the project, current and future teachers will be offered the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to promote inclusive learning and reduce the segregation of students with special educational needs. This is done by enhancing inclusive education, developing innovative practices, and testing and implementing teacher education.


The members of Tallinn University's interdisciplinary research group SEEMIK, which includes Elina Malleus-Kotšegarov, Grete Arro, Jaanus Terasmaa, Mihkel Kangur, Arko Olesk, Esta Kaal and Priit Tammets, lead the Erasmus+ cooperation project, the aim of which is to develop the Discovery Path application further and thereby support teachers and employees of nature education centers in teaching biodiversity topics.

The research group focuses on exploring and improving environmental education and communication through citizen science, educational innovation, teacher competencies, or researcher communication skills. The research interests of the research group include studying the process of changing environmental misconceptions and concepts in communication and education.


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