
The Council of the School of Educational Sciences is composed of:

  • Tiia Õun – Director of the School of Educational Sciences
  • Inge Timoštšuk – Head of the Study Area of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Professor
  • Katrin Poom-Valickis – Head of the Study Area of Teacher Education and Educational Science, Professor
  • Eve Eisenschmidt – Head of the Study Area of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Professor
  • Kai Pata – Head of the Study Area of Lifelong and Non-Formal Education, Professor
  • Piret Soodla – Head of the Study Area of Inclusive Education, Professor
  • Kätlin Vanari – Head of the Centre for Innovation in Education, Junior Research Fellow; 
  • Maria Erss – Member of the senate, Associate Professor
  • Anna-Liisa Jõgi – Representative of academic staff, Associate Professor;
  • Halliki Põlda – Representative of academic staff, Associate Professor;
  • Maire Tuul – Representative of academic staff, Associate Professor;
  • Ene Varik-Maasik – Representative of academic staff, Associate Professor;
  • Mari-Liis Lind – Representative of non-academic staff, Head of Studies;
  • Reili Argus – Representative of another institute, Professor of Estonian Language at the School of Humanities;
  • Ruth Shimmo – Representative of another institute, Director of the School of Natural Sciences and Health;
  • Birgit Vilgats – Representative of another institute, Director of the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School;
  • Teibi Torm – Foreign member, Head of NGO Tagasi Kooli;
  • Raino Liblik – Foreign member, Director of Tallinn Mustamäe State Gymnasium;
  • Sigrid Aruväli – Foreign member, CEO at Innowise OÜ;
  • Gertrud Luks – Students Representative ;
  • Kätly Jürimäe – Students Representative;
  • Anne-Mai Meesak – Students Representative;
  • Erika Veide – Students Representative.

Role of the Council:

  • Adopts the development plan of the School based on the development plan of the University and submits it to the Senate for approval;
  • May submit proposals to the Senate for the approval of study areas at the School;
  • Adopts the School's draft budget under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in the TLU Regulations of Economic Activity;
  • Approves the action plan of the School;
  • Evaluates the activity report of the School;
  • Adopts and submits study programmes to the Senate for approval and approves continuing education programmes;
  • May make proposals to the Senate for the establishment or termination of research or development centres at the School;
  • May make proposals to the Rector regarding the statutes of research or development centres at the School;
  • Elects a Director on the basis and pursuant to the procedures set in the acts regulating employment relations;
  • May make proposals to the Senate regarding the establishment and abolition of the positions of professors and research professors;
  • Submits a position to the Senate on professor candidates;
  • Elects the regular lecturers and researchers, other than professors, of the School, on the basis and pursuant to the procedure provided for in the relevant acts;
  • May elect honorary members of the School;
  • May set up subcommittees and advisory groups;
  • May make proposals to the Senate for the amendment of the statutes of the School;
  • Decides on other issues arising from the statutes and other acts.