Centre for Innovation in Education

The Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy offers a change in the approach to learning – it hopes to implement an "... approach to learning that supports each learner’s individual and social development, the acquisition of learning skills, creativity and entrepreneurship at all levels and in all types of education". This new approach is a challenge to the whole Estonian education system and the Centre for Innovation in Education (CIE) helps to overcome that challenge.

See our brochure

The priorities of the Centre for Innovation

  • Create and support networks for cooperation between scientists, teachers and trainee teachers
  • Create, manage and develop contemporary open-learning environments and interactive classrooms.
  • Launch and implement scientific and developmental projects related to lifelong learning.
  • Develop and elaborate innovative curricula and modules (pre- and continuous teacher training).
  • Development and implementation of innovative teaching methods (including learning materials, technologies, forms of training).
  • Consult with teachers, subject didactics lecturers, students and develop training.
  • Include foreign lecturers, scientists and doctoral students in the activities of the centre.
  • Systematize the formation of teachers´ professional identity and contribute in creating a recognizable and respected teachers professional identity.


Postal addressNarva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn

Telephone(+372) 619 9859



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Title given to the TLU Centre for Innovation in Education

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Tallinn University is highlighted by the Education Estonia and has been acknowledged as the Member of Education Estonia. Education Estonia connects you with the components of Estonian education, whether it be digital solution, consulting, training or other. Education Estonia – your guide to smart solutions for education innovation. More information educationestonia.org