
Information for Tallinn University School of Educational Sciences' international students

Timetables and nominal division

How to create a study plan?

  1. Start creating your study plan in Study Information System (ÕIS) at a time stated in the Academic Calendar.
  2. Log in to ÕIS, using your Tallinn University user account. In ÕIS user guide, you will find information on how to navigate the Study Information System.
  3. Study plan is created taking into account the nominal division, which is created by the Academic Unit. The Nominal Division can be found from ÕIS - directions are at the end of this page.
  4. All the courses will be added to the timetable system ASIO. Lecture times can be found either using your group identifier code (for example for students in Educational Innovation and Leadership programme’s first year it would be KAEIM-1) under “study & events” or course code under “course calendars”.

The subjects in curriculum are divided into

  • compulsory subjects: subjects that students must acquire within a curriculum;
  • elective subjects: subjects that can be selected from the list of subjects provided in the curriculum;
  • open electives: subjects that can be freely selected from the subjects listed in different curricula of the university. As a rule, open electives are selected from the curricula of the same level. Optional subjects include both minors and supporting subjects (language and computer studies).

Nominal division

The timetable will be put together based on the nominal division. The curator of the curriculum is responsible for the nominal division.

The nominal divisions can be found in ÕIS as follows: master studies: ÕIS > from the menu on the left choose "Study programmes" > from the menu on top of the page choose "Master" > School of Educational Sciences > choose your study programme version code > view more > choose "Main speciality" at the bottom of the page > Nominal division

NB! The nominal divisions are being renewed. Adjusted information is published, when timetables are published.

Important dates


1.07-28.08 Summer vacation

22.08 Submitting RPL applications ends

22.08-12.09 Joining LIFE projects: projects will be published on LIFE webpage, submitting motivation letter, registration to projects

29.08 Start of Autumn semester: registration to Autumn semester subjects (creating study plan for Autumn semester) in ÕIS

29.08-04.09 The week before the autumn semester: submission of documents certifying exemption from reimbursement of study costs, submission of applications and applications for RPL to apply for vacant study places, submission of applications for RPL for students of the first academic year 2022/2023 to take into account the subjects taught in the Autumn semester, "Orientation Days" for students admitted in 2022 (introductory information sessions), publishing of course programs in ÕIS, fixing of student status

1.09 Open ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year

5.09 The beginning of the first contact study period of the Autumn semester; ends: extension of contracts for studying abroad, submission of applications to study as a supplementary student of a level subject, submission of guest students' applications to start studying at Tallinn University, submission of applications to start studying in the micro-degree curriculum

12.09 Ends: electronic registration for autumn semester courses (submission of the semester study plan) in ÕIS, conclusion of annexes to the study contract, filling of vacant study places

15.09-1.10 Applying for Scholarships in ÕIS

16.09 Acceptance/non-acceptance deadline for students registered as course listeners (including those registered on the waiting list)

20.10 Confirmation of thesis topics and supervisors for the 2022/2023 academic year, submitting an application for passing the final exam

24.-30.10 Fall semester break: taking exams and assessments, intensive courses and special seminars, submission of RPL applications for consideration of subjects taught in the spring semester ends

18.12 The end of the contact study period of the fall semester; application for retroactive academic leave for the entire current semester ends

19.-22.12 Exam session, intensive courses, consultations

23.12-01.01 Christmas break


2.-29.01 Exam session; submission of documents proving exemption from reimbursement of study costs to the academic unit

10.01 The deadline for registering for the final exam in January or submitting a thesis

16.01 Submission of applications begins: to study level subject(s) as a supplementary student, to study at Tallinn University as a guest student, to study the micro-degree curriculum; submission of applications for admission to external studies and applications for RPL will end

16.01-05.02 Defending theses and passing final exams

23.01-13.02 Joining LIFE projects: disclosure of projects on the LIFE website, submission of motivation letter, registration in projects

29.01 End of autumn semester: end of the right to perform subjects of the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year; the deadline for the evaluation of RPL applications submitted at the end of the 2022/2023 fall semester break

30.01 Beginning of the spring semester: electronic registration for spring semester courses (preparation of the semester study plan) in ÕIS, submission of applications for academic leave

30.01-05.02 The pre-week of the spring semester; extending contracts for studying abroad, submitting applications and RPL applications to apply for vacant study places, fixing student status

6.02 The beginning of the first contact study period of the spring semester; ending: acceptance of applications from continuing education students to study level subject(s), acceptance of applications from visiting students to study at Tallinn University, extension of contracts for study abroad, submission of applications to start studying on the micro-degree curriculum

13.02 The end of academic movements; ends: electronic registration for spring semester courses (submission of the semester study plan), including registration for taking the final exam, filling vacant study places

15.02-1.03 Applying for scholarships at ÕIS; applying for exchange studies

17.02 Acceptance/non-acceptance deadline for students registered as course listeners (including those registered on the waiting list)

27.03-2.04 Spring semester break: taking exams and assessments, intensive courses and special seminars, submission of RPL applications for consideration of subjects taught in the fall semester of the 2023/2024 academic year ends

8.05 Spring semester thesis submission period

21.05 The end of the contact study period of the spring semester; ends: Application for academic leave for the current semester

22.-28.05 Intensive courses, consultations, individual work

22.05-4.06 Defending theses and passing final exams

29.05-22.06 Exam session

12.-16.06 Graduation ceremonies of the Institute of Educational Sciences

22.06 The end of the right to perform the subjects of the spring semester of 2022/2023

30.06 End of spring semester; the deadline for the evaluation of RPL applications submitted at the end of the 2022/2023 spring semester break

1.07-27.08 Summer break

Full academic calendar

Documents and guides

General documents

Instructions and forms


  • Application to extend the payment deadline

PhD studies


Here is information related to graduation.

Defence of the Thesis

The defence of the thesis shall be provided for in § 26 and 27 of the rules of procedure. You can find information on the terms of the conditions for the protection of the thesis, the deadline for submission of the thesis, the declaration of the thesis and the defence of the thesis here.

Diploma with Honours (cum laude)

A diploma with Honours (cum laude) is awarded to those who have completed the curriculum of applied higher education studies, bachelor's studies, studies based on the integrated curricula of bachelor's and master's studies, or master's studies in full, who fulfilled the following conditions:

  • defended the thesis and/or passed the final exam with a grade of “A”;
  • the weighted average grade during the studies was 4.60 or higher, with all grades included in the academic transcript taken into account.

Graduation Ceremony

The Graduation ceremonies of the School of Educational Sciences are held on June 14th.

Study Counselling

In order to make studying at the School of Educational Sciences enjoyable, study specialists and advisors, as well as curriculum curators, internationalisation and practice specialists, and the teacher training practice coordinator are all here to help students with their concerns.

Who to turn to?

Name of the Curriculum Code Study Counsellor Head of Study Programme  
Educational Innovation and Leadership KAEIM Salome Khurtsidze Terje Väljataga  
Educational Sciences (PhD) KAKTD Elina van der Toorn Inge Timoštšuk  

Internationalisation specialist - Kerttu Toompalu

Who helps in what matter?

Study Counsellor

  • advises on issues related to the curriculum;
  • reviews student applications;
  • advises on the preparation of study plans;
  • organises and issues study cards;
  • prepares tuition fee invoices;
  • transmits applications for VÔTA for assessment;
  • issues evidence.
  • prepares and enters lesson plans into ASIO;
  • checks the results in ÕIS (exam times, evaluation sheets, entering results).

Head of Study Programme

  • advises students on the selection of study subjects and their completion, as well as on the topic of the thesis;
  • introduces mobility options;
  • evaluates RPL requests;
  • determines substitute subjects when the curriculum version changes;
  • prepares the nominal distribution of the curriculum.

Internationalisation Specialist

  • advises students going to study abroad;
  • advises students on issues related to the Erasmus+ program scholarship;
  • manages Erasmus+ contracts.