The Doctoral Studies Council of Humanities

Professor Daniele Monticelli, School of Humanities (the chair of the doctoral studies council)
Professor Karsten Brüggemann, School of Humanities
Professor Anna Verschik, School of Humanities
Visiting Lecturer Teet Teinemaa, Baltic Film, Media, and Arts School

Curricula: History, Linguistics, Studies of Cultures, Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies

The Doctoral Studies Council of Educational Sciences

Professor Katrin Niglas, the Vice-Rector for Research (the chair of the doctoral studies council)
Professor Eve Eisenschmidt, School of Educational Sciences
Associate Professor Triin Lauri, School of Governance, Law and Society

Curriculum: Educational Sciences

The Doctoral Studies Council of Natural Sciences

Professor Tõnu Laas, School of Natural Sciences and Health (the chair of the doctoral studies council)
Professor Jaanus Terasmaa, School of Natural Sciences and Health
Professor Ruth Shimmo, School of Natural Sciences and Health
Professor Peeter Normak, School of Digital Technologies

Curricula: Analytical Biochemistry, Ecology, Information Society Technologies

The Doctoral Studies Council of Social Sciences

Associate Professor Katrin Kullasepp, School of Natural Sciences and Health (the chair of the doctoral studies council)
Professor Peeter Selg, School of Governance, Law and Society
Professor Merike Sisask, School of Governance, Law and Society
Professor Marge Unt, School of Governance, Law and Society

Curricula: Demography, Government and Politics, Health Behaviour and Wellbeing, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology


Katrin Iisma
Secretary of the Doctoral Studies Council
Research Administration Office
Phone: +372 640 9140