Educational Innovation
The whole world's education sector is facing changes. Teaching and learning must adapt to the 21st century circumstances: the changing labour market, the rapidly renewing information environment, a society that expects more proactivity and creativity.
Considering the historical role of Tallinn University as a centre of teacher education, we are leaders of Estonian educational innovation.
We are developing theoretical thought, as well as implementing and mediating contemporary ways of learning and teaching. We see education as a process that influences the consistent development of a person and facilitates his or her development into a responsible individual.
Centre of Excellence in Educational Innovation
In the educational innovation focus field operates TLU Centre of Excellence in Educational Innovation, which helps schools, universities and organisations make research based decisions in education innovation.
We develop an interdisciplinary research field that focuses on innovative and evidence-based teacher education, school management and educational policy. We conduct the ERA-Chair funded CEITER project, which focuses on the next generation of digital learning environments and resources, new ICT-based methods for promoting learning analytics and educational research.
R&D centres in the focus field:
The Centre for Innovation in Education (CIE) helps to overcome the challenge of changing the approach to learning. It is a challenge to the whole Estonian education system to implement the new approach to learning that supports each learner's individual and social development, the acquisition of learning skills, creativity and entrepreneurship at all levels and all types of education.
Centre for Educational Technology coordinates educational technology research, development and training activities. It investigates the development, adoption and use of technologies in several areas of society. Special focus is put on technologies in education (learning environments and technologies, digital competencies, game-based learning, location-based technologies for education), information environments and libraries (knowledge management, digital libraries and digital literacies), industry (ICT sector, healthcare, construction etc).