The goal of this research project is to examine the linguistic demographics of the Estonian deaf community. Specifically, the project seeks to gain insights into the linguistic diversity and preferences of sign language users in Estonia. The study focuses on Estonian Sign Language and its use alongside written Estonian, aiming to collect statistical data on language distribution, language background, and language vitality within the Deaf and Sign Language (SL) communities.

The research employs various methods, including surveys, interviews with sign language users, and interviews with experts, to explore the language profiles, sign language vitality, and language backgrounds of both deaf and hearing sign language users.

By addressing issues related to language use, identity, and vitality, this study aims to provide insights that can inform language policies, educational strategies, and communication accessibility for the Estonian Deaf community. Additionally, it seeks to contribute to broader discussions on language rights and education both in Estonia and globally.

Current Projects 

Linguistic Demography of Estonian Deaf Communities

Linguistic demography involves studying the statistical characteristics of language within a given population. This project aims to gather data on the language practices and preferences of Estonian Sign Language users in Estonia. The collected data will offer insights into the diversity and nuances of language use within sign language communities. Data collection will be conducted through a questionnaire-based survey in each county of Estonia. The results will be used to develop a basic linguistic map of the country.

Language Vitality of Estonian Sign Language

The theoretical and methodological framework of language vitality enables the assessment of a language's strength or weakness based on its prevalence, distribution, and transmission. This study will apply this framework to Estonian Sign Language by collecting data through a questionnaire-based survey and a limited number of face-to-face interviews with deaf professionals and experts. The results aim to contribute to a more detailed understanding of the linguistic demography of Estonian Sign Language.

Language Portrait of Estonian Sign Language Users

The Language Portrait is a method used to explore individuals' linguistic knowledge. This study seeks to complement linguistic demography and language vitality research at the individual level. Sign language use in Estonia is closely connected with other languages and neighboring sign languages. To gain insights into the acquisition, learning, use, and everyday experiences of these languages, interviews will be conducted with selected sign language users. The results are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the development and growth of Estonian Sign Language within the context of other spoken and signed languages.

Language Attitude and Choice of Estonian Sign Language Users

The language attitudes of sign language users offer valuable insights into their perspectives on their own languages, as well as their relationships with other languages and people's linguistic knowledge and skills. This study aims to gather both quantitative and qualitative data on sign language users' perceptions of sign language(s) and languages beyond Estonian Sign Language. The results will be disseminated in Estonian Sign Language and written Estonian.