Alliance fostering skills development for social economy
Joining the Pact for Skills on Proximity and Social Economy, the European Social Innovation Campus(ESIC) contributes to the challenge of the upskilling and reskilling of the workforce and entrepreneurs of the sector to tackle the green and digital transitions in the social economy by boosting social innovation capacities. The Alliance brings together higher education and vocational education and training, social economy organizations and enterprises from several European countries as well as European level actors. Drawing on evidence regarding the skills needs of occupational profiles, the Alliance boosts the provision of new skills and addresses skills mismatches by creating a new general Core Curriculum for the social economy and curricula to different EQF levels. The Alliance designs and delivers transnational education and training content, as well as co-produce teaching and training methodologies for quick uptake of the contents at regional and local levels and for emerging occupational profiles. In addition, the project will establish a strong communication and dissemination network, promoting the social economy sector as a career choice and supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU. The Alliance will establish and maintain the European Social Innovation Campus platform that distributes project results
The project is led by on Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Soome). There are 15 partner instututions from ten different countries (Finland, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Ireland, Rumenia, Belgia, Norway, Netherlands, Ukrain).
Tallinn University is participating as a partner.
Funding: Project is funded under the Erasmus program by the European Education and Culture. The budget is 266 382,50 EUR
Duration: Activities will be carried 01.09.2023−31.08.2027
Project Manager: Associate Professor Katri-Liis Lepik, Tallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society.