Peer-reviewed journals
SOGOLAS publishes four open access peer-reviewed scientific journals:
Studies of Transition States and Societies (STSS), Acta Politica Estica (APE), East-West Studies and East European Yearbook on Human Rights.
Studies of Transition States and Societies (STSS)
Studies of Transition States and Societies (STSS) is a fast-growing open-access interdisciplinary journal for the study of transition societies. Published since 2009 it is already indexed in Scopus, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, ProQuest, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) and the International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA).
STSS aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major field of the social sciences with emphasis to sociology and political science. The substantive focus of the journal is on the transitional societies, particularly on the societal and political changes in the post-socialist region. Still articles on other regions are considered as well to enrich the debate about transition in social sciences.
The journal is published biannually whereas the spring issue combines articles of political science and papers in sociology are published in the fall. In addition, collections of articles about a common theme or debate are published as special issues.
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Acta Politica Estica
Acta Politica Estica is an open access peer-reviewed journal aiming to offer a platform for a wide-raging tradition in the analysis of politics and governance in Estonian. Acta Politica Estica was established in 2004, being now published regularly in every fall. Thematically specialised guest editorial issues are occasionally published. In addition to the traditional subdiciplines of politics and governance (public management, political science and international relations) co-works from other fields of social sciences (sociology, economics, law, psychology, demography, education studies) and humanities (linguistics, literary studies, cultural theory, semiotics, history and philosophy) are welcome.
Alongside the more traditional research areas of politics and governance such as party politics, government policy-making, public opinion, electoral behaviour, the less published topics in Estonian are anticipated – political culture, communication and identity, social movements, political involvement, methodologies of political analysis, political philosophy, political history and political ideologies. Acta Politica publishes also book reviews, overviews and comments to published articles; International and Estonian conferences of politics and governance are introduced. All of the published articles are peer-reviewed.
More info and contact: Chief Editor Associate Professor Tõnis Saarts,
East-West Studies
Journal East-West studies has been published since 2007; from 2015 onwards as a duble peer-reviewed academic journal. The aim of the journal is to bring together specialists of various social studies such as philosophy, law, psychology, economy, international relations and other social sciences whose interests transcend a geographic region. The journal offers original explanations and solutions to theoretical, methodological as well as practical problems; contributes to better understanding of challenges facing humankind. East-West studies is published annually or once in two years.
More info and contact: Chief editor Professor Mart Susi,
The East-European Yearbook on Human Rights
The East-European Yearbook on Human Rights is a regional peer-reviewed legal journal, focusing on human rights discourse in the Eastern European area, but situating this in the broader context of worldwide problems and developments in the area of human rights. This journal aims to position itself both as a channel for Easter European scholars to publish on regional and wider human rights issues, and for authors from other regions to provide their input on human rights issues that are particularly relevant in the Eastern European setting.
The journal is published in cooperation with Tallinn University, the Danish Institute for Human Rights and Walther Schücking Institute of International Law. The journal concept was developed in the context of the “HURMUR: Human Rights – Mutually Raising Excellence” project. The publisher of the yearbook is Eleven International Publishing and the journal is available for purchase from their website. The journal is green open access, therefore after six months articles become freely accessible.
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