
EASSW 2021 conference15.-18.06.2021

An international social work conference will take place for the first time at Tallinn University in June 2021.

Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society (SOGOLAS) and the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) announce the 2021 European Conference on Social Work Education, which aims at being an international forum for debating innovation, concerns, challenges and practices in Social Work education.

The overarching themes of the conference are innovation, resilience and preparedness of SWE to learn from times of uncertainty and to build on these lessons the way ahead. Social cohesion has been challenged the past decades through ongoing human rights abuses, challenges in human service delivery and human crises. European societies have been immensely challenged because of the recent socio-economic and public health crises. Both crises have challenged social welfare systems, social organization and individual lifestyles, and are raising questions about the preparedness of SWE to respond to new demands coming from students, practitioners and service users. SWE has to critically reflect on what methods, theories and practices have been developed so far to provide solutions in current crisis and what will be the lessons learnt as to build new solutions based on collaboration between different disciplines sharing common values and principles, in order to increase resilience as to maintain social cohesion, social justice and human dignity.

Therefore, we invite social work educators, researchers, students, service users and practitioners to present debates, experiences and research related to Social Work Education and practice in order to build a culture of innovation as to engage all social partners in these challenging times for social cohesion.

Conference website

Pre information



Past conferences

Conference "People on the Move. Migrants, Refugees, and Citizenship Rights"  7-8 February 2019


Luule Sakkeus – “Migration from the Population Development Perspective”

Catherine Colliot-Thélène – “The Right to Hospitality: Democracy at the Test of Immigration"

Catherine Wihtol de Wenden – “Unequal  Citizenships for Those Who Move”

Presentation videos available in TLU Youtube channel

Human Rights in the Baltic Countries: Accomplishments and Challenges 15-16 nov 2018 (pictures)

Workshop "The Law in Quest of Its Promise. Discussing Professor Robert Alexy's Legal Theory"  29 oct 2018 (pictures, videos)

The Nordic-Baltic Doctoral Network in Social Work Summer School

This summer school aims to bring together PhD candidates in social work from Nordic countries, Baltic countries and beyond for four days of intensive lectures and thorough discussions on multi-disciplinarity and multi-positioning in social work research – balancing closeness and distance.

Event here.

Summer school photos can be seen here.

Conference 'Europe in Hard Times – What's to be Done?'

On 8th and 9th February 2018 Tallinn University will host an exceptional academic conference “Europe in Hard Times – What's to be Done?”. The aim of the conference is to promote a sophisticated debate on a subject that is fundamental for our time: the shape and the content of European integration. The conference will discuss the future of Europe, revise the over positive narrative about European integration and ask what is to be done, if we want to maintain on the one side the civilizing process introduced by the European integration and on the other side keep some control on our public life and our destiny as workers and citizens.

Conference “Europe After Delfi” 8th of September 2017 at Tallinn University

The Delfi vs Estonia judgment by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights from 16 June 2015 marks a watershed in the conceptualization of internet intermediary liability in European human rights landscape. Although there are critics of this judgment from the side of stakeholders and academics, others underline the judgment’s endorsement of the principle that the right to freedom of expression and privacy online deserve equal protection.

This judgment is based on the recognition that private Internet companies have the responsibility to protect human rights online, and that balancing conflicting human rights by private companies is the appropriate method. This conferences explores several important questions which emerged as a result of the Delfi judgment and are in need to further discussion. What are the current approaches of the European Court of Human Rights, the global internet companies and the European legislative bodies regarding the concept of horizontal protection of human rights online? Are we close to a consensus about the standards? Is private online censorship inevitable? 

The one-day conference “Europe After Delfi” will explore these matters from four distinct perspectives: judicial, academic, policy-making and implementation. The speakers will explore the question what if anything has changed after the Delfi judgment and what are the likely forward-looking and consensus-building scenarios regarding the internet companies’ responsibilities for human rights protection.