This section includes the publications of the employees of the IISS across research areas since 2017. The latest papers are listed first under every main category.
Labour market and employment relations
- Märtsin, M., Unt, M., & Fattacciu, I. (2023). Experiences of low-quality jobs and in-work poverty early in the career. EUROSHIP Working Paper No 21. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21983411.
- Aavik, K., & Marling, R. (2022). Gendered excellence for business Interests: A critical examination of the construction of centres of excellence in the Estonian research policy discourse. In F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber & A. Wolffram (Eds.). Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia. (pp. 129−149). Routledge.
- Kall, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., & Ojamäe, L. (2022). Platvormitöö tegijad Tallinnas: Kuidas tagada väärikas töö? Projekti PLUS faktileht.
- Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., & Unt, M. (2022). Noorte palgavaesus Eestis 2007-2020. RASI toimetised nr 16. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Polese, A. (Ed.) (2022). Informality, labour mobility and precariousness supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable. Palgrave.
- Polese, A., Fradejas-García, I., Šimić Banović, R., Škokić, V., Kerikmäe, T., Luis Molina, J., Alpeza, M., Lubbers, M. J., & Camerani, A. (2022). Labour mobility and informality: Romanian migrants in Spain and ethnic entrepreneurs in Croatia. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 279−292.
- Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide maandamine töökohal: tööandja võimalused teenindussektori näitel. RASI toimetised nr 18. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Samaluk, B., & Kall, K. (2022). Trade union project-based revitalization strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Slovenia and Estonia. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1−18.
- Täht, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., Aavik, K., Pilvre, B., & Kääramees, M. (2022). Sooline palgalõhe Eestis: kujunemise tagamaad ja vähendamise võimalused. Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine (REGE)“ lõpparuanne.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., & Reiska, E. (2022). The effect of childcare facilities on labour market participation among young adults in Estonia: a mixed-methods study. In S. Bertolini & B. Poggio (Eds.). Research handbook on work–life balance. Emerging issues and methodological challenges (pp. 217−236). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). Cross-national differences in in-work poverty among young adults in EU, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 18. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21561609.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). An assessment of in-work poverty among female and male youth in Europe, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 16. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19803559.
- Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., & Unt, M. (2021). Conclusions: Integrating perspectives on youth transitions and the risk of social exclusion. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Gebel, M., Unt, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., & Hofäcker, D. (2021). Introduction: youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Kall, K. (2021). Innovatsiooniga marginaliseerituse vastu: hargmaise organiseerimismudeli kasutuselevõtt 2008. aasta majanduskriisi järgse Eesti erasektori ametiühingutes. In. E. Stern (Ed.). Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste 2019/2020. õppeaasta parimad teadustööd. Artiklite kogumik (pp. 58−62). Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kall, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., & Ojamäe, L. (2021). Platformisation of Tallinn’s taxi industry: Results from the PLUS Project. RASI toimetised nr 13. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, J., Täht K., & Unt, M. (2021). Can labour market policies protect unemployed youth from poverty? A cross-European comparison. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Multiple routes to youth well-being: a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Meo, A., Ricucci, R., Schlee, C., Helemäe, J., & Kazjulja, M. (2021). The role of informal social support for young people in unemployment and job insecurity in Italy, Estonia, and Germany. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.),Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ojamäe, L., Peik, K., Kall, K., Roosalu, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Hosting in Airbnb: platform work at the intersection of hospitality, accommodation and home-making. PLUS-project results in Tallinn. RASI toimetised nr 14. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Reiska, E., Stasiowski, J., Bertolini, S., & Torrioni, P. M. (2021). Meanings of work in the narratives of Italian, Estonian, and Polish young people who experience labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ricucci, R., Ghislieri, C., Krasteva, V., Jeliazkova, M., Taru, M., & Rokicka, M. (2021). How young people experience and perceive labour market policies in four European countries. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Unt, M., Rokicka, M., Täht, K., & Roosalu, T. (2021). "Glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” in Estonia’s public and private sectors. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, K. Gatskova & E. Skoglund (Eds.). Gendering post-soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research (pp. 192−209). Springer.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi V., & Hofäcker, D. (Eds) (2021). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Aavik, K., Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2020). Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine: mitmetasandiline kvalitatiivuuring. RASI toimetised, nr 11. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kall, K., Brzozowska, A., Lillie, N., Matuszczyk, K., & Salamońska, J. (2020). Regional case study. From Ukraine to Finland and Estonia via Poland: Migration and posting of third country nationals
- Kall, K., Brzozowska, A., Lillie, N., Matuszczyk, K., & Salamońska, J. (2020). The posting of third-country nationals from Ukraine through Poland to Estonia and Finland. Con3Post policy brief.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2020). Ebakindla tööturuseisundi sotsiaalmajanduslikud mõjud ja strateegiad raskustega toimetulekuks. In A.-A. Allaste & R. Nugin (Eds.). Noorteseire aastaraamat 2019-2020. Noorte elu avamata küljed (pp. 123−139). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Unt, M., & Täht, K. (2020). Does early career unemployment at the peak of a recession leave economic scars? Evidence from Estonia. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 246–257.
- Bertolini, S., Moiso, V., & Unt, M. (2019). Precarious and creative. In: E. Colombo, & P. Rebughini (Eds.), Youth and the politics of the present: Coping with complexity and ambivalence (pp. 75-87). Routledge.
- Kall, K., Lillie, N., Sippola, M., & Mankki, L. (2019). Overcoming barriers to transnational organizing through identity work: Finnish–Estonian trade union cooperation. Work, Employment and Society, 33(2), 208−225.
- Róbert, P., Saar, E., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). Individual and institutional influences on EU labour market returns to education: a comparison of the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on eight EU countries. European Societies,
- Täht, K. (Ed.) (2019). Soolise palgalõhe kirjeldamine ja seletamine – tehniline ülevaade. RASI toimetised nr 10. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool.
- Täht, K., Xanthopoulou, D., Figgou, L., Kostouli, M., & Unt, M. (2019). The role of unemployment and job insecurity for the well-being of young Europeans: Social inequality as a macro-level moderator. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1−21.
- Reiska, E. (2018). Noorte sotsiaalne tõrjutus. RASI toimetised, 3.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2018). Tõrjutuse sisu ja mõju noortele. RASI toimetised, 2.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., Oras, K., & Taru, M. (2018). Young adults in insecure labour market positions in Estonia - The results from a qualitative study. EXCEPT Working Papers, 23.
- Rokicka, M., Unt, M., Täht, K., & Nizalova, O. (2018). Youth labour market in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. A. Malo & A. Moreno Mínguez (Ed.). European youth labour markets - problems and policies (pp. 61−78). Springer.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Soomere, T., Niinemets, Ü., Niglas, K., Pilt, E., Roosalu, T., & Randma-Liiv, T. (2018). Jätkusuutlikud teadlaskarjääri kontseptsioonid ja mudelid Eesti kontekstis. Lõpparuanne. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia.
- Unt, M. (2018). Tööturu tõrjutuse pikaaegsed mõjud: elukaarepõhise poliitika vajalikkus. RASI toimetised, 5.
- Unt, M., & Gebel, M. (2018). Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 57.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., & Bertolini, S. (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1−8.
- Unt, M., & Jeliazkova, M. (2018). Database of youth policies and legislation on youth inclusion. EXCEPT Working Papers, 54.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Täht, K., Unt, M., Högberg B., & Strandh M. (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: The moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229–1257.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, M., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). The impact of the institutional setting and policies on the economic situation of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 & Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Kosyakova, Y., Saar, E., & Dämmrich, J. (2017). Institutional change and gender inequalities at labour market entry: A comparison of Estonia, Russia, and East and West Germany. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9(2), 17−40.
- Saar, E. & Helemäe, J. (2017). Rahvuslik segregatsioon Eesti tööturul. In T. Tammaru, K. Kallas, & R. Eamets (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 147−155). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. & (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
- Tosun, J., Unt, M., & Wadensjö, E. (2017). Youth-oriented active labour market policies: Explaining policy effort in the Nordic and the Baltic States. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 598−616.
- Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). Labour market exclusion and leaving parental home in Estonia. In A. Baranowska-Rataj, S. Bertolini & V. Goglio (Eds.), Country level analyses of mechanisms and interrelationships between labour market insecurity and autonomy (pp. 80−98). EXCEPT Working Papers, 11.
- Unt, M. & Reiska, E. (2017). Country case studies - Estonia. In D. Hofäcker, S. Schadow & J. Kletzing (Eds.), Long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 103−114). EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Unt, M. & Täht, K. (2017). Does the early career unemployment during economic recession leave scars? Evidence from registry data from Estonia. In D. Hofäcker (Ed.), Medium-term economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 119−129). EXCEPT Working Papers, 12.
Education research
- Aavik, K., & Marling, R. (2022). Gendered excellence for business Interests: A critical examination of the construction of centres of excellence in the Estonian research policy discourse. In F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber & A. Wolffram (Eds.). Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia. (pp. 129−149). Routledge.
- Helemäe, J., & Saar, E. (2022). Multiplicative or compensatory advantage? Multigenerational contribution to grandchildren’s educational success in the Soviet and the post-Soviet contexts. European Societies, 25(2), 208-241.
- Hämmal, J., Reinson, H., Karolin, A., Kruuse, K., Roosalu, T., & Rüütsalu, K. (2022). Nügimismeetodite kasutamine soostereotüübivabade karjäärivalikute ja töötingimuste toetamiseks. Lõpparuanne. Kantar Emor, Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Lauri, T, & Saar, E. (2022). Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education: set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(1-2), 51−88.
- Lauri, T., & Saar, E. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of education: Set-theoretic exploration of accumulation of social advantages and disadvantages in Six European Countries. COMPASS Working Paper 98, 1−30.
- Parre, K., Pevkur, A., Parder, M.-L., Espenberg, S., Roos, L., Kalev, L., Olm, M., Taru, M., Tuisk, T., & Soomere, T. (2022). Euroopa teadlaste harta ja juhendi põhimõtete järgimine Eesti teadus- ja arendusasutustes. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Tartu Ülikool, Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti teaduste akadeemia.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2022). The paradox of state-funded higher education: Does the winner still take it all? Education Sciences, 11(12), 812.
- Saar, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Martma, L. (2022). Report on recent changes in European education systems. RASI toimetised nr 15. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Contemporary mobility decisions of African international graduates in Estonia: Motives and integration perspectives. Human Arenas, 4, 440–457.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). International students mobility and value added through internationalization of higher education in Estonia and Denmark. Language and Intercultural Communication.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). Cultural barriers and enablers of integrating educational migrants from the Global South: The case of graduate students in Europe. International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2021). Classroom, media and church: Explaining the achievement differences in civic knowledge in bilingual school system of Estonia. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 9(3).
- Põlda, H., Roosalu, T., Karu, K., Teder, L., & Lepik, M. (2021). Üldpädevuste kujundamine ja osaliste agentsus mitteformaalõppes. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 1(9), 60−87.
- Saar, E., & Martma, L. (2021). The safety net and the diversion effects of vocational upper-secondary education in European countries. Journal of Education and Work.
- Ubakivi-Hadachi, P., & Nimmerfeldt, G. (2020). What makes a good education? Transitional value patterns of educational preferences in Estonian Middle class families. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
- Aavik, K. (2019). Crafting neoliberal futures in the strategic plans of Estonian universities. Futures, 111, 148−158.
- Aavik, K., & Ümarik, M. (2019). The “exceptional male teacher” and the “vulnerable male student”: constructions of men and masculinities in vocational education and training in Estonia. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1−21.
- Eisenschmidt, E., Lauri, T., & Sillavee, R. (2019). Educational policy and leadership to improve democratic citizenship education. In W. Veugelers (Ed.), Education for democratic intercultural citizenship (pp. 124−147). Brill | Sense.
- Polese, A. (2019). The SCOPUS diaries and the (il)logics of academic survival. A short guide to design your own strategy and survive bibliometrics, conferences and unreal expectations in academia. Columbia University Press.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2019). Global ideas, national values and local policies: A case of Estonian school choice policy design. In P. Dixon & S. Humble (Ed.), School choice around the world … and the lessons we can learn (pp. 94−116). Institute of Economic Affairs.
- Raudsepp, M., & Zadora, A. (2019). The sensitive scars of the Second World War in teaching European history. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 27(1), 87−110.
- Róbert, P., Saar, E., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). Individual and institutional influences on EU labour market returns to education: a comparison of the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on eight EU countries. European Societies,
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Saar, E. (2019). Vocational upper-secondary education and participation in non-formal education: a comparison of European countries. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3), 268-286.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74.
- Ümarik, M., & Aavik, K. (2019). Gender segregation in Estonian vocational education and training through the eyes of stakeholders. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 1−18.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Saar, E., & Roosalu, T. (2018). Inverted U-shape of Estonian higher education: Post-socialist liberalism and post-postsocialist consolidation. In J. Huisman, A. Smolentseva, & I. Froumin (Eds.), 25 years of transformations of higher education systems in post-soviet countries: reform and continuity (pp. 149−174). Springer.
- Taru, M. (2018). Youth work in Estonia. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 63−73). HUMAK.
- Taru, M., & Kötsi, K. (2018). The impact of youth work in Estonia: Friendship, experiences and development. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 156−174). HUMAK.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Kello, K., & Raudsepp, M. (2017). Kas kui hästi tahta, võib iga teema tundlikuks muuta? Eesti õpetajate kogemused tundlike teemadega ajalootunnis. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri, 5(2), 106−133.
- Martma, L. (2017). Mitteformaalse ja informaalse õppe arvestamine. Rahvusvahelised arengud ja Eesti väljakutsed. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016 mitte-ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 35−46). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Nugin, R., & Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöötajate arvamused noorsootööst ja noorsootöötajatest. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 107−121). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Veski, A. (2017). Does school admission by zoning affect educational inequality? A study of family background effect in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(6), 668−688.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Ühiskonna-alaste teadmiste peamised mõjutegurid: mitmetasandiline vaade. In A. Toots (Ed.), Noorte kodanikukultuur muutuvas maailmas. Eesti tulemused IEA Rahvusvahelises Kodanikuhariduse Uuringus (ICCS 2016) (pp. 91−102). Tallinna Ülikool, Haridus ja Teadusministeerium.
- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Rahnu, L. (2017). Eesti koolisüsteemi väljakutsed: õpiedukuse erinevus erikeelsetes koolides ja sisserändajate koolivalikud. In T. Tammaru, R. Eamets, K. Kallas (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 155−162). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., & Saar, E. (2017). Adults who do not want to participate in learning: a cross-national European analysis of their perceived barriers. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(3), 254−277.
- Saar, E., & Helemäe, J. (2017). The role of economic and cultural resources in the intergenerational transmission of education in Estonia. In J. Erola, & E. Kilpi-Jakonen (Eds.), Social inequality across the generations: The role of compensation and multiplication in resource accumulation (pp. 27−47). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
- Taru, M. (2017). A three-dimensional youth work evaluation model. In N. Connolly, F. Labadie, J. Vanhee, H. Williamson, & H. J. Schild (Eds.), Thinking seriously about youth work - and how to prepare people to do it (pp. 355−362). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Cross-sectoral youth policy – riding the wave of cross-sectoralism. In M. Nico, & M. Taru (Eds.). Needles in haystacks. Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy (pp. 33−43). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöös osalemise mõju noorte haridus- ja tööplaanidele ning võimele hinnata oma pädevusi. Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 51−65). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M. (2017). Lühiülevaade „Erasmus+“ programmi vahehindamise tulemustest Eestis. Programmi roll ja mõju noortevaldkonnas. In H. Voolaid (Ed.), Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2016/2017 õppeaastal (pp. 121-123). Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium.
- Veski, A., Biró, P., Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Efficiency and fair access in kindergarten allocation policy design. Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design, 2(1), 57−104.
Youth research
- Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., & Unt, M. (2022). Noorte palgavaesus Eestis 2007-2020. RASI toimetised nr 16.
- Nugin, R., Unt, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Kõrvale jäänud noor kui kohaliku tasandi väljakutse: noortega töötava spetsialisti vaade. RASI toimetised nr 19.
- Nugin, R., Unt, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide lood: persoonad ja vinjetid. RASI toimetised nr 20.
- Ord, J., Carletti, M., Morciano, D., Siurala, L., Dansac, C., Cooper, S., Fyfe, I., Kötsi, K., Sinisalo-Juha, E., Taru, M., & Zentner, M. (2022). European youth work policy and young people’s experience of open access youth work. Journal of Social Policy, 51(2), 303–323.
- Raudsepp, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). Noorte tõrjutusriskide maandamine töökohal: tööandja võimalused teenindussektori näitel. RASI toimetised nr 18.
- Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., Rannala, I.-E., Nugin, R., Taru, M., & Kazjulja, M. (2022). Tõrjutusriskide maandamine töö ja õppimisega: teenindussektori algaja töötaja näide. RASI toimetised nr 17.
- Roosalu, T., Nugin, R., Rannala, I.-E., Kazjulja, M., Taru, M., Raudsepp, M., & Unt, M. (2022). TASK-U: Noorte mitmetasandilise sotsiaalse kaasatuse dünaamiline mudel. RASI toimetised nr 21.
- Täht, K., Unt, M., & Reiska, E. (2022). The effect of childcare facilities on labour market participation among young adults in Estonia: a mixed-methods study. In S. Bertolini & B. Poggio (Eds.). Research handbook on work–life balance. Emerging issues and methodological challenges (pp. 217−236). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Unt, M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). Cross-national differences in in-work poverty among young adults in EU, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 18. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21561609.
- Unt M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). An assessment of in-work poverty among female and male youth in Europe, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 16. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19803559.
- Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., & Unt, M. (2021). Conclusions: Integrating perspectives on youth transitions and the risk of social exclusion. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Gebel, M., Unt, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., & Hofäcker, D. (2021). Introduction: youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, J., Täht K., & Unt, M. (2021). Can labour market policies protect unemployed youth from poverty? A cross-European comparison. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T., & Unt, M. (2021). Multiple routes to youth well-being: a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Lauri, T. (2021). Part I: A comparative introduction of situation of youth. In T. Lauri, A. Toots, T. Chevalier & M. Drilling (Eds.). Youth-oriented policies beyond ideal-typical welfare regimes in Europe: Situation and initiatives from the perspective of youth transition regimes. Young-In WP Series (Cost Action Publications).
- Meo, A., Ricucci, R., Schlee, C., Helemäe, J., & Kazjulja, M. (2021). The role of informal social support for young people in unemployment and job insecurity in Italy, Estonia, and Germany. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.),Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Reiska, E., Stasiowski, J., Bertolini, S., & Torrioni, P. M. (2021). Meanings of work in the narratives of Italian, Estonian, and Polish young people who experience labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Ricucci, R., Ghislieri, C., Krasteva, V., Jeliazkova, M., Taru, M., & Rokicka, M. (2021). How young people experience and perceive labour market policies in four European countries. In M. Unt, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi & D. Hofäcker (Eds.), Social exclusion of youth in Europe: The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Policy Press.
- Toots, A. & Lauri, T. (2021). Part II: Youth-oriented policies in Estonia (EE In T. Lauri, A. Toots, T. Chevalier & M. Drilling (Eds.). Youth-oriented policies beyond ideal-typical welfare regimes in Europe: Situation and initiatives from the perspective of youth transition regimes. Young-In WP Series (Cost Action Publications).
- Toots, A., & Lauri, T. (2021). Part III: Conclusion. n T. Lauri, A. Toots, T. Chevalier & M. Drilling (Eds.). Youth-oriented policies beyond ideal-typical welfare regimes in Europe: Situation and initiatives from the perspective of youth transition regimes. Young-In WP Series (Cost Action Publications).
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- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.L., & Oras, K. (2020). Ebakindla tööturuseisundi sotsiaalmajanduslikud mõjud ja strateegiad raskustega toimetulekuks. In A.-A. Allaste & R. Nugin (Eds.). Noorteseire aastaraamat 2019-2020. Noorte elu avamata küljed (pp. 123−139). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M., & Sglavo, S. (2020). Europe in the interwar years: Youth organisations of authoritarian regimes. In H. Williamson & T. Basarb (Eds.), The history of youth work in Europe: Pan-European and transnational youth organisations The overall lessons learned from the history project (pp. 139−151). Council of Europe and European Commission.
- Unt, M., & Täht, K. (2020). Does early career unemployment at the peak of a recession leave economic scars? Evidence from Estonia. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 246–257.
- Bertolini, S., Moiso, V., & Unt, M. (2019). Precarious and creative. In: E. Colombo, & P. Rebughini (Eds.), Youth and the politics of the present: Coping with complexity and ambivalence (pp. 75-87). Routledge.
- Ernst-Vintila, A., Flassbeck, C., Franc, R., Hilton, D., … Klein, O. (2019). Greedy elites and poor lambs: How young europeans remember the Great War. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1), 52−75.
- Täht, K., Xanthopoulou, D., Figgou, L., Kostouli, M., & Unt, M. (2019). The role of unemployment and job insecurity for the well-being of young Europeans: Social inequality as a macro-level moderator. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1−21.
- Gebel, M., Hofäcker, D., Jeliazkova, M., Schadow, S., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2018). Proposal for future research based on EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 58.
- Mihálik, J., Garaj, M., Sakellariou, A., Koronaiou, A., Alexias, G., Nico, M., Almeida Alves, N., Unt, M., & Taru, M. (2018). Similarity and difference in conceptions of well-being among children and young people in four contrasting European countries. In G. Pollock, J. Ozan, H. Goswami, G. Rees, & A. Stasulane (Eds.). Measuring youth well-being. How a Pan-European longitudinal survey can improve policy (pp. 55−70). Springer.
- Reiska, E. (2018). Noorte sotsiaalne tõrjutus. RASI toimetised, 3.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., & Oras, K. (2018). Tõrjutuse sisu ja mõju noortele. RASI toimetised, 2.
- Reiska, E., Roosmaa, E.-L., Oras, K., & Taru, M. (2018). Young adults in insecure labour market positions in Estonia - The results from a qualitative study. EXCEPT Working Papers, 23.
- Rokicka, M., Unt, M., Täht, K., & Nizalova, O. (2018). Youth labour market in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. A. Malo & A. Moreno Mínguez (Ed.). European youth labour markets - problems and policies (pp. 61−78). Springer.
- Taru, M. (2018). Youth work in Estonia. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 63−73). HUMAK.
- Taru, M., & Kötsi, K. (2018). The impact of youth work in Estonia: Friendship, experiences and development. In J. Ord (Ed.), The impact of youth work in Europe: A study of five European countries (pp. 156−174). HUMAK.
- Unt, M. (2018). Tööturu tõrjutuse pikaaegsed mõjud: elukaarepõhise poliitika vajalikkus. RASI toimetised, 5.
- Unt, M., & Gebel, M. (2018). Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers, 57.
- Unt, M., Gebel, M., & Bertolini, S. (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1−8.
- Unt, M., & Jeliazkova, M. (2018). Database of youth policies and legislation on youth inclusion. EXCEPT Working Papers, 54.
- Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Täht, K., Unt, M., Högberg B., & Strandh M. (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: The moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229–1257.
- Kłobuszewska, M., Palczyńska, M., Rokicka, M., Stasiowski, M., Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). The impact of the institutional setting and policies on the economic situation of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 & Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Kosyakova, Y., Saar, E., & Dämmrich, J. (2017). Institutional change and gender inequalities at labour market entry: A comparison of Estonia, Russia, and East and West Germany. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9(2), 17−40.
- Martma, L. (2017). Ülevaade muutustest noorte eluolus. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016 mitte-ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 7−30). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Martma, L. (2017). Mitteformaalse ja informaalse õppe arvestamine. Rahvusvahelised arengud ja Eesti väljakutsed. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016 mitte-ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 35−46). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Nico, M., & Taru, M. (2017). Editorial. In M. Nico & M. Taru (Eds.). Needles in haystacks. Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy (pp. 5−7). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Nugin, R., & Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöötajate arvamused noorsootööst ja noorsootöötajatest. In Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 107−121). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2017). Ühiskonna-alaste teadmiste peamised mõjutegurid: mitmetasandiline vaade. In A. Toots (Ed.), Noorte kodanikukultuur muutuvas maailmas. Eesti tulemused IEA Rahvusvahelises Kodanikuhariduse Uuringus (ICCS 2016) (pp. 91−102). Tallinna Ülikool, Haridus ja Teadusministeerium.
- Taru, M. (2017). A three-dimensional youth work evaluation model. In N. Connolly, F. Labadie, J. Vanhee, H. Williamson, & H. J. Schild (Eds.), Thinking seriously about youth work - and how to prepare people to do it (pp. 355−362). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Cross-sectoral youth policy – riding the wave of cross-sectoralism. In M. Nico, & M. Taru (Eds.). Needles in haystacks. Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy (pp. 33−43). Council of Europe Publishing.
- Taru, M. (2017). Noorsootöös osalemise mõju noorte haridus- ja tööplaanidele ning võimele hinnata oma pädevusi. Noorteseire aastaraamat 2016. Mitte- ja informaalne õppimine (pp. 51−65). Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus, Tallinna Ülikool.
- Taru, M. (2017). Lühiülevaade „Erasmus+“ programmi vahehindamise tulemustest Eestis. Programmi roll ja mõju noortevaldkonnas. In H. Voolaid (Ed.), Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2016/2017 õppeaastal (pp. 121-123). Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium.
- Tosun, J., Unt, M., & Wadensjö, E. (2017). Youth-oriented active labour market policies: Explaining policy effort in the Nordic and the Baltic States. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 598−616.
- Täht, K., & Unt, M. (2017). Labour market exclusion and leaving parental home in Estonia. In A. Baranowska-Rataj, S. Bertolini & V. Goglio (Eds.), Country level analyses of mechanisms and interrelationships between labour market insecurity and autonomy (pp. 80−98). EXCEPT Working Papers, 11.
- Unt, M. & Reiska, E. (2017). Country case studies - Estonia. In D. Hofäcker, S. Schadow & J. Kletzing (Eds.), Long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 103−114). EXCEPT Working Papers, 15.
- Unt, M. & Täht, K. (2017). Does the early career unemployment during economic recession leave scars? Evidence from registry data from Estonia. In D. Hofäcker (Ed.), Medium-term economic consequences of insecure labour market positions (pp. 119−129). EXCEPT Working Papers, 12.
Lifelong learning
- Roosmaa, E.-L. (2022). Adult education and training: a comparative perspective of participation patterns across Europe. Doktoritöö. Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Roosmaa, E.-L. (2022). Lifelong learning for economy or for society: Policy issues in post-socialist countries in Europe. In K. Evans, W.O. Lee, J. Markowitsch, & M. Zukas (Eds.), Third international handbook of lifelong learning. Springer Nature.
- Põlda, H., Roosalu, T., Karu, K., Teder, L., & Lepik, M. (2021). Üldpädevuste kujundamine ja osaliste agentsus mitteformaalõppes. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 1(9), 60−87.
- Karu, K., Jõgi, L., Rannala, I., Roosalu, T., Teder, L., & Põlda, H. (2019). Mitteformaalõppe tähenduse konstrueerimine poliitikadokumentides. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 7(1), 50−75.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Saar, E. (2019). Vocational upper-secondary education and participation in non-formal education: a comparison of European countries. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3), 268-286.
- Saar, E., Roosalu, T., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Martma, L., & Kazjulja, M. (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Saar, E., Martma, L., Helemäe, J., Roosmaa, E.-L., Kazjulja, M., & Roosalu, T. (2018). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 5: education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe. Publications Office. CEDEFOP/DIPF. Cedefop research paper; No 69.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Roosmaa, E.-L., & Saar, E. (2017). Adults who do not want to participate in learning: a cross-national European analysis of their perceived barriers. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(3), 254−277.
- Saar, E., & Räis, M.-L. (2017). Participation in job-related training in European countries: the impact of skill supply and demand characteristics. Journal of Education and Work, 30(5), 531−551.
Gender and gender-specificity in different life domains
- Aavik, K., & Marling, R. (2022). Gendered excellence for business Interests: A critical examination of the construction of centres of excellence in the Estonian research policy discourse. In F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber & A. Wolffram (Eds.). Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia. (pp. 129−149). Routledge.
- Aavik, K., Marling, R., Poopuu, B., Põldsam, R., & Talviste, E. (2022). Jätkusuutlike ja erinevusi toetavate feministlike vaatenurkade poole. Ariadne Lõng, 1/2, 1−8.
- Armengol, J. M., Ayalon, L., Maierhofer, R., & Unt, M. (2022). Introduction. Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101029.
- Hämmal, J., Reinson, H., Karolin, A., Kruuse, K., Roosalu, T., & Rüütsalu, K. (2022). Nügimismeetodite kasutamine soostereotüübivabade karjäärivalikute ja töötingimuste toetamiseks. Lõpparuanne. Kantar Emor, Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Saar, M., & Aavik, K. (2022). Negotiating neoliberalism in the private sphere: narratives of Estonian single mothers. Journal of Baltic Studies, 53 (1), 1−18.
- Teinemaa, T., & Unt, M. (2022). Contradictions of hegemonic masculinity and the (hopeful) potential of old age and caring masculinity in Estonian society and in films A Friend of Mine (2011) and Tangerines (2013). Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101034.
- Täht, K., Roosalu, T., Unt, M., Aavik, K., Pilvre, B., Kääramees, M. (2022). Sooline palgalõhe Eestis: kujunemise tagamaad ja vähendamise võimalused. Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Soolise palgalõhe vähendamine (REGE)“ lõpparuanne.
- Ubakivi-Hadachi, P. (2022). EKRE juhtivad naisliikmed konservatiivsuse otsinguil. Elitarismi ja egalitarismi soolistatud paradoks. Ariadne Lõng, 1/2, 33−56.
- Unt M., Täht, K., & Biegert, T. (2022). An assessment of in-work poverty among female and male youth in Europe, EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 16. Oslo Metropolitan University. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19803559.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Sugu, sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus ja keskkond intersektsionaalse pilgu läbi. In R. Marling, K. Sander, M. Raju & M. Pajumets (Toim.). Teel tasakaalustatud ühiskonda. Naised ja mehed Eestis III (pp. 131−136). Eesti Vabariigi Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Vegan men: Towards greater care for (non)human others, Earth and self. In P. Pulé & Hultman, M. (Eds.). Men, masculinities, and earth: Contending with the (m)anthropocene (pp. 329−350). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Aavik, K. & Velgan, M. (2021). Vegan men’s food and health practices: A recipe for a more health-conscious masculinity? American Journal of Men's Health, 15(5), 1−14.
- Saar, M., & Aavik, K. (2021). Negotiating neoliberalism in the private sphere: narratives of Estonian single mothers. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1−18.
- Unt, M., Rokicka, M., Täht, K., & Roosalu, T. (2021). "Glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” in Estonia’s public and private sectors. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, K. Gatskova & E. Skoglund (Eds.). Gendering post-soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research (pp. 192−209). Springer.
- Aavik, K. (2020). "Ära ole lödipüks". Maskuliinsuse muutuvatest ja vastuolulistest ideaalidest tänapäeva Eestis. Vikerkaar, 1-2, 106−114.
- Aavik, K. (2020). Negotiating uncertainty: Sexual citizenship and state recognition of same-sex partnerships in Estonia. In R. Buyantueva, & M. Shevtsova (Eds.), LGBTQ+ activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, representation and identity (pp. 127−151). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lauri, T., Põder, K., & Ciccia, R.(2020). Pathways to gender equality: A configurational analysis of childcare instruments and outcomes in 21 European Countries. Social Policy & Administration, 1−20.
- Aavik, K., & Ümarik, M. (2019). The “exceptional male teacher” and the “vulnerable male student”: constructions of men and masculinities in vocational education and training in Estonia. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1−21.
- Raudsepp, M., Roosalu, T., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Evaluating outcomes and assessing impact. Empirical insight. RASI toimetised, 8.
- Riegraf, B., Abirafeh, L., & Aavik, K. (2019). Relating gender and inequality: An introduction. Global Dialogue, 9(2), 23−24.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Designing intervention: mapping state of art, collecting good practices and developing indicators. RASI toimetised, 6.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Recommendations for media intervention and educational materials for all target groups in a variety of contexts. RASI toimetised, 7.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Aavik, K., & Taru, M. (2019). Project BREAK! Guidelines for planning the media intervention: lessons from the project. RASI toimetised, 9.
- Täht, K. (Ed.) (2019). Soolise palgalõhe kirjeldamine ja seletamine – tehniline ülevaade. RASI toimetised nr 10.
- Ümarik, M., & Aavik, K. (2019). Gender segregation in Estonian vocational education and training through the eyes of stakeholders. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 1−18.
- Aavik, K., & Ubakivi-Hadachi, P. (2018). Responding to ethnicity-based stigmatisation: the case of Russian-speaking women in Estonia. Trames : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(1), 25−44.
- Balaam, M.-C., Haith-Cooper, M., Pařízková, A., Weckend, M. J., Fleming, V., Roosalu, T., & Vržina, S. Š. (2017). A concept analysis of the term migrant women in the context of pregnancy. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 23(6), 1-10.
- Kosyakova, Y., Saar, E., & Dämmrich, J. (2017). Institutional change and gender inequalities at labour market entry: A comparison of Estonia, Russia, and East and West Germany. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9(2), 17−40.
Ethnic relations and integration
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2022). International student mobility and transformative intercultural learning in Estonia and Denmark. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 22(1), 16−29.
- Polese, A., Fradejas-García, I., Šimić Banović, R., Škokić, V., Kerikmäe, T., Luis Molina, J., Alpeza, M., Lubbers, M. J., & Camerani, A. (2022). Labour Mobility and Informality: Romanian Migrants in Spain and Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Croatia. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 279−292.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2022). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society, 23(2), 223-242.
- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Contemporary mobility decisions of African international graduates in Estonia: Motives and integration perspectives. Human Arenas, 4, 440–457.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). International students mobility and value added through internationalization of higher education in Estonia and Denmark. Language and Intercultural Communication.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). Cultural barriers and enablers of integrating educational migrants from the Global South: The case of graduate students in Europe. International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2021). Classroom, media and church: Explaining the achievement differences in civic knowledge in bilingual school system of Estonia. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 9(3).
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2021). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society.
- Toots, A. & Lauri, T. (2020). Nation (re)building and social investment: an uneasy marriage in Baltic States. In J. L. Garritzmann, S. Häusermann, & B. Palier (Ed.), The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II) The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [ilmumas].
- Eisenschmidt, E., Lauri, T., & Sillavee, R. (2019). Educational policy and leadership to improve democratic citizenship education. In W. Veugelers (Ed.), Education for democratic intercultural citizenship (pp. 124−147). Brill | Sense.
- Polese, A., & Seliverstova, O. (2019). Luxury consumption as identity markers in Tallinn: A study of Russian and Estonian everyday identity construction through consumer citizenship. Journal of Consumer Culture.
- Raudsepp, M., & Zadora, A. (2019). The sensitive scars of the Second World War in teaching European history. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 27(1), 87−110.
- Saarts, T., Saar, E., & Suurna, K. (2019). Rahvuslõhe varjutamas klassilõhet. Sotsiaalsed lõhed ning valimiskäitumine Eestis 2003-2011. In M. Mölder (Ed.), Riigikogu valimised 2019. Politica. Vol. 19: Väärtuste tulek Eesti poliitikasse (pp. 78−94). Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
- Aavik, K., & Ubakivi-Hadachi, P. (2018). Responding to ethnicity-based stigmatisation: the case of Russian-speaking women in Estonia. Trames : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(1), 25−44.
- Lilleoja, L., & Raudsepp, M. (2018). Changes in value structure among Estonian majority and Russian-speaking minority in post-socialist Estonia. In N. Lebedeva, R. Dimitrova, & J. Berry (Eds.), Changing values and identities in the post-communist world. Societies and political orders in transition (pp. 67−83). Springer.
- Roosalu, T., Raudsepp, M., Kazjulja, M., & Vallimäe, T. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 2. osa uuringust: Elanikkonna senine kogemus eesti keele omandamisel ja vajadus eesti keele õppe järele. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Vallimäe, T., Roosalu, T., Kallaste, E., & Joorik, A. (2018). Eesti keelest erineva emakeelega täiskasvanute eesti keele õpe lõimumis- ja tööhõivepoliitikas: kvaliteet, mõju ja korraldus. 3. osa uuringust: keeleõppe pakkujate analüüs. Eesti Rakendusuuringute Keskus Centar & Tallinna Ülikool.
- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Rahnu, L. (2017). Eesti koolisüsteemi väljakutsed: õpiedukuse erinevus erikeelsetes koolides ja sisserändajate koolivalikud. In T. Tammaru, R. Eamets, K. Kallas (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 155−162). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Saar, E. & Helemäe, J. (2017). Rahvuslik segregatsioon Eesti tööturul. In T. Tammaru, K. Kallas, & R. Eamets (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 147−155). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
- Saar, E., Krusell, S., & Helemäe, J. (2017). Russian-speaking immigrants in post-soviet Estonia: Towards generation fragmentation or integration in Estonian society. Sociological Research Online, 22(2), 96–117.
- Sam, D. L., Vetik, R., Makarova, M., & Raudsepp, M. (2017). Intercultural relations in Norway. In J. W. Berry (Ed.), Mutual intercultural relations (pp. 105−124). Cambridge University Press.
- Vetik, R., Raudsepp, M., Kruusvall, J., Kus-Harbord, L., Makarova, M., & Valk, A. (2017). Intercultural relations in Estonia. In J. W. Berry (Eds.), Mutual intercultural relations (pp. 59−80). Cambridge University Press.
State governance, civil society and new social movements
- Polese, A., Fradejas-García, I., Šimić Banović, R., Škokić, V., Kerikmäe, T., Luis Molina, J., Alpeza, M., Lubbers, M. J., & Camerani, A. (2022). Labour mobility and informality: Romanian migrants in Spain and ethnic entrepreneurs in Croatia. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 279−292.
- Vallimäe, T. & Vainu, V. (2022). Vabaühenduste tegevusvõimekuse kaardistamine/KÜSKi toetuste mõju analüüs 2022. Uuringuraport. Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital SA.
- Amofah, S., Agyare, L., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Social entrepreneurship for sustainable livelihood empowerment: Study of an Estonian NGO’s operations in Ghana. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies, 17(1), 1−18.
- Amofah, S., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Small axes felling big trees: Footprints of emerging global NGOs in Ghana. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 21(2), 21−38.
- Fradejas-García, I., Polese, A., & Bhimji, F (2021). Transnational (im)mobilities and informality in Europe. Migration Letters, 18(2), 121−133.
- Joorik, A., Rikmann, E., Vainu, V., Vallimäe, T., & Vihma, P. (Toim.) (2021). Kohalike omavalitsuste vabaühenduste rahastamise analüüs. Haldusreformijärgsed rahastamise praktikad kohalikes omavalitsustes
- Murru, S., & Polese, A. (Eds.) (2021). Resistances: between theory and the field. Rowman and Littlefield.
- Polese, A. (2021). What is informality? (mapping) “the art of bypassing the state” in Eurasian spaces - and beyond. Eurasian Geography and Economics.
- Saarts, T., & Saar, E. (2021). When the ethnic cleavage overshadows the class cleavage in a post-communist country and why we should care? European Politics and Society.
- Aavik, K. (2020). Negotiating uncertainty: Sexual citizenship and state recognition of same-sex partnerships in Estonia. In R. Buyantueva, & M. Shevtsova (Eds.), LGBTQ+ activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, representation and identity (pp. 127−151). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Toots, A., & Lauri, T. (2020). The politics of social investment in the Baltic States. In J. L. Garritzamnn, S. Häusermann, & B. Palier (Eds.), The world politics of social investment: The politics of varying social investment strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [ilmumas].
- Polese, A., & Hanau Santini, R. (Eds.) (2019). Rethinking statehood in the Middle East and North Africa: Security, sovereignty and new political orders. Routledge.
- Polese, A., Russo, A., & Strazzari F. (Eds.) (2019). Governance beyond the law: The immoral, the illegal, the criminal. Routledge.
- Polese, A., & Seliverstova, O. (2019). Luxury consumption as identity markers in Tallinn: A study of Russian and Estonian everyday identity construction through consumer citizenship. Journal of Consumer Culture.
- Aavik, K. (2018). The animal advocacy movement in the Baltic states: links to other social justice issues and possibilities for intersectional activism. Journal of Baltic Studies, 49(4), 509-527.
- Toots, A., & Lauri, T. (2017). Varieties of social investment policies on two sides of the Baltic Sea: Explaining routes to endurance. Social Policy & Administration, 51(4), 550−576.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Sugu, sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus ja keskkond intersektsionaalse pilgu läbi. In R. Marling, K. Sander, M. Raju & M. Pajumets (Toim.). Teel tasakaalustatud ühiskonda. Naised ja mehed Eestis III (pp. 131−136). Eesti Vabariigi Sotsiaalministeerium.
- Aavik, K. (2021). Vegan men: Towards greater care for (non)human others, Earth and self. In P. Pulé & Hultman, M. (Eds.). Men, masculinities, and earth: Contending with the (m)anthropocene (pp. 329−350). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Aavik, K. & Velgan, M. (2021). Vegan men’s food and health practices: A recipe for a more health-conscious masculinity? American Journal of Men's Health, 15(5), 1−14.
- Amofah, S., Agyare, L., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Social entrepreneurship for sustainable livelihood empowerment: Study of an Estonian NGO’s operations in Ghana. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies, 17(1), 1−18.
- Amofah, S., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Small axes felling big trees: Footprints of emerging global NGOs in Ghana. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 21(2), 21−38.
- Morris, C., Kaljonen, M., Aavik, K. et al. (2021). Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(38).
- Paat, A., Roosalu, T., Karu, V., & Hitch, M. (2021). Important environmental social governance risks in potential phosphorite mining in Estonia. The Extractive Industries and Society.
- Aavik, K. (2019). Institutional resistance to veganism: constructing vegan bodies as deviant in medical encounters in Estonia. Health, 1−18.
- Aavik, K. (2019). The rise of veganism in post-socialist Europe: Making sense of emergent vegan practices and identities in Estonia. In L. Wright (Ed.), Through a vegan studies lens: Textual ethics and lived activism (pp. 151−170). University of Nevada Press.
- Aavik, K. (2019). Toitumine: loomselt taimsele. Vikerkaar, 9, 75−78.
- Polese, A., & Seliverstova, O. (2019). Luxury consumption as identity markers in Tallinn: A study of Russian and Estonian everyday identity construction through consumer citizenship. Journal of Consumer Culture.
- Aavik, K. (2018). The animal advocacy movement in the Baltic states: links to other social justice issues and possibilities for intersectional activism. Journal of Baltic Studies, 49(4), 509-527.
Ageing and pension systems
- Armengol, J.M., Ayalon, L., Maierhofer, R., & Unt, M. (2022). Introduction. Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101029.
- Teinemaa, T., & Unt, M. (2022). Contradictions of hegemonic masculinity and the (hopeful) potential of old age and caring masculinity in Estonian society and in films A Friend of Mine (2011) and Tangerines (2013). Journal of Aging Studies, 63, 101034.
- Lusmägi, P., & Aavik, K. (2021). Vähemalt 50-aastaste Eesti elanike kehalise aktiivsuse suurendamise peamised mõjurid. Liikumine ja Sport, 22, 58−63.
- Lusmägi, P., & Aavik, K. (2021). Developing a social-ecological model for promoting physical activity among older adults based on the experiences of 50+ adults. SAGE Open, 11(3), 1−15.
- Unt, M., Kazjulja, M., & Krönsrtröm, V. (2020). Estonia. In Á. N. Léime, J. Ogg, M. Rašticová, D. Street, C. Krekula, M. Bédiová, & I. Madero-Cabib (Eds.), Extended working life policies: International gender and health perspectives (pp. 241-249). New York: Springer.
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- Abdulai, M., & Roosalu, T. (2021). Contemporary mobility decisions of African international graduates in Estonia: Motives and integration perspectives. Human Arenas, 4, 440–457.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). International students mobility and value added through internationalization of higher education in Estonia and Denmark. Language and Intercultural Communication.
- Abdulai, M., Roosalu, T., & Wagoner, B. (2021). Cultural barriers and enablers of integrating educational migrants from the Global South: The case of graduate students in Europe. International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
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- Põder, K., Lauri, T., & Rahnu, L. (2017). Eesti koolisüsteemi väljakutsed: õpiedukuse erinevus erikeelsetes koolides ja sisserändajate koolivalikud. In T. Tammaru, R. Eamets, K. Kallas (Eds.), Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017: Eesti rändeajastul (pp. 155−162). Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
Theoretical discussions
- Raudsepp, M. (2021). Среда для субЪекта. Architecture and Construction of Russia, 2(238), 56−62.
- Wagner, W., & Raudsepp, M. (2021). Representations in intergroup relations: Reflexivity, meta-representations, and interobjectivity. RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics, 18(2), 332−345.
- Krause, F., Pikner, T., Raudsepp, M., Kasemets, K., & Kull, A. (2020). The unnatural: six excursions towards a situated concept. In A. Kannike, K. Pärn, M. Tasa (Ed.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Culture Theory (pp. 140−170). University of Tartu Press.
- Ventsel, A., Remmel, A., Altnurme, L., Johanson, K., Karo, R. & Raudsepp, M. (2020). Power relations in vernacular and institutional discourses on religion. In A. Kannike, K. Pärn, M. Tasa (Ed.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Culture Theory (pp. 220−245). University of Tartu Press.
- Viik, T., Torop, P., & Raudsepp, M. (2020). Culture-dependent meaning formation in hermeneutics, phenomenology, cultural semiotics and cultural psychology. In A. Kannike, K. Pärn, M. Tasa (Ed.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Culture Theory (pp. 72−107). University of Tartu Press
- Viik, T., Torop, P., & Raudsepp, M. (2018). Kultuurisõltelise tähendusloome teoreetilised mudelid. Acta Semiotica Estica, 15, 32−63.
- Raudsepp, M. (2017). Cognitive polyphasia in the context of systemic power and semiotic potency. The International Journal for Dialogical Science, 10(2), 45−76.
- Raudsepp, M. (2017). Introduction. In M. Raudsepp (Ed.). Between self and societies: Creating psychology in a new key (pp. 7−21). Tallinna Ülikool.
- Vallimäe, T. (Koost.) (2022). Esseid vabadusest 20. sajandi poliitikafilosoofidelt. Vabamõtleja.
- Levenets, O., Stepurko, T., Polese, A., Pavlova, M., & Groot, W. (2021). Coping with cancer in Post-Communist Europe: A Systematic Literature Review. Health Policy and Planning, 36(10), 1−20.
- Raik, K., & Rikmann, E. (2021). Resisting domestic and external pressure towards de-Europeanization of foreign policy? The case of Estonia. Journal of European Integration, 43(5), 603−618.
- Lusmägi, P., Mooses, K., Roosmaa, E.-L. & Kull, M. (2018). Changes in leisure-time physical activity levels and perceived barriers among Estonian adults over a two-year period. Acta kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 24, 7−26.
Social stratification and mobility