Cinematic point of view in film directing: creation of material corpus for artistic research

Cinematic point of view in film directing: creation of material corpus for artistic research

1.09.2022 - 31.12.2023
Responsible executor: Elen Lotman

The project will create a short film with multiple version (series of short films) designed specifically to explore the research question of cinematic point of view (sometimes also defined as "focalisation"). To do this, the material will be recorded with different variations (camera location, movement, plan size, frame order, frame composition, character position in the frame, camera height, character screen time, audio focus, visual and audio tools indicating subjectivity, etc.) and assembled with a number of different versions of the material, leaving the possibility to edit even more and more precise versions of the filmed material in the future.

Project page on ETIS: 

The project is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Culture

FILM-SKILLS: Joint Development of Qualification Standards for Film Occupations

FILM-SKILLS: Joint Development of Qualification Standards for Film Occupations

1.12.2021 - 30.11.2023
Responsible executor: Veiko Vaatmann
Project coordinator: Birgit Rosenberg

FILM-SKILLS is a project that brings together Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian partners – three film schools and two film industry organisations - with the aim of developing occupational qualifications’ standards for film occupations as a recognition interface between the labour market, higher education institutions, and other forms of training. The export of film production services is on the rise, and so is the need for specialists of technical and coordinating positions. However, communication from the film industry has indicated that it may be difficult to fill certain crew positions with competent people. Film producers have expressed that occupational standards would help to understand skills gaps, competencies, and job descriptions of film workers and overcome existing disparities. FILM-SKILLS aims to align the needs of the film industry with the applied and academic approaches of higher film education. The skills acquired in higher learning should match the expectations of the labor market, and conversely, film sector participants should have access to additional training and skills’ validation.

Project website: 
Project page on ETIS:


Project is funded by European Union

 ADORE - Juurdepääsetavus digitaalse kommunikatsiooni ülikooli õppekavades

 ADORE - Juurdepääsetavus digitaalse kommunikatsiooni ülikooli õppekavades

01.11.2021 - 31.10.2023
Responsible executor: Anastassia Zabrodskaja

Projekti ADORE põhieesmärk on harida ülikoolide kommunikatsioonivaldkonnas töötavaid õppejõude juurdepääsetava sisu kirjastamise osas ja tutvustada, kuidas pakkuda kommunikatsiooni õppekavades kaasavamat õpetamiskogemust. Projektiga luuakse ainulaadne partnerlus kõrgkoolide, koolitusorganisatsioonide ja erasektori vahel, mille üldine tulemus on integreerida juurdepääsetavuse oskused kõrghariduse õppekavadesse kommunikatsioonivaldkondade jaoks ning valmistada üliõpilasi ette majanduse ja ühiskonna praeguste ja tulevaste vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Projekti koordineerib Tallinna Ülikool (vastutav täitja on kultuuridevahelise kommunikatsiooni professor Anastassia Zabrodskaja). Projektimeeskonda kuuluvad partnerülikoolid (Paris-Lodron-Universitat Salzburg ja Univerza V Mariboru) ja mitteakadeemilised partnerid (Funka Nu Ab ja INUK Institut za Napredno Upravljanje Komunikacij).

Project website: 
Project page on ETIS: 


FILMEU - Euroopa filmi- ja meediakunsti ülikoolide ühendus

 FILMEU - Euroopa filmi- ja meediakunsti ülikoolide ühendus

1.01.2022 - 30.10.2023
Responsible executor: Andres Jõesaar
Project coordinator: Mahendra Mahey

FILMEU konsortsiumisse kuuluvad põhipartneritena Lusofona University, IADT Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology ja LUCA School of Arts.Alates 01.01.2022 liitus Tallinna Ülikool endise põhipartneri, University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest, asemel neljanda põhipartnerina konsortsiumi. FILMEU eesmärgiks on välja arendada filmi- ja meedia valdkonna tippülikool Euroopas. Selleks rakendab liit ühiselt väljatöötatud poliitikat ja tegevuskavasid, et suurendada filmi- ja meediakunstide hariduse, innovatsiooni ja teadusuuringute nähtavust Euroopas ja maailmas.

Project website: 
Project page on ETIS: 


Representations of Femininity in Estonian Pop Music

Representations of Femininity in Estonian Pop Music

Responsible executor: 

Kerli Kirch Schneider

Projekt keskendub naiste kujutamisele Eesti popmuusikas (muusikavideotes, laulusõnades,intervjuudes, popartistide enese-representatsioonis sotsiaalmeedias ja publiku kommentaarides), et analüüsida naiselikkuse konstrueerimist. Selle teema uurimiseks kasutatakse töös postfeministlikku (Cohen 1997; Schippers 2007; Lazar 2009; James 2017; Whitefield-Madrano 2016; Gonick et al. 2009) ning post-koloniaalse / nõukogudejärgse feminismi (McEwan 2001; Koobak 2013) raamistikku ning võetakse arvesse uuringuid, mis käsitlevad sooalaseid diskursusi popmuusikas, naiste kuvandit peavoolumeedias ning naisartistide sotsiaalmeedia enese-representatsiooni. See projekt panustab nii (uue) meedia ja popmuusika analüüsi, kui ka sotsialismijärgse feminismi uuringutesse, pakkudes 21. sajandi naiselikkuse konstrueerimise süvaanalüüsi Eesti popmuusikas. Lisaks laiendab käesolev projekt domineeriva Lääne feminismi põhimõtteid sotsiaalse soo uurimisel.

Project page on ETIS:

Project funded by Mobilitas+.

Speech to text synthesis, NER-based generation of metadata and topic modelling on ERR's audiovisual archive from 2003 to 2021

Speech to text synthesis, NER-based generation of metadata and topic modelling on ERR's audiovisual archive from 2003 to 2021

Responsible executor: 

Andres Kõnno

The project "Speech to text synthesis, NER-based generation of metadata and modelling of topics on ERR's archive from 2003 to 2021" is an elaboration of an already existing PRG grant "The Public Value Chains of Cultural Open Data Solutions" (PRG1191). However, the existing grant doesn't cover the generation of metadata from already existing ERR's archived content. The project consists of 3 operations: (a) speech to text synthesis that is based on the audiovisual content of ERR's archive; (b) the generation of metadata with the help NER-technology (geographical places, public persons, institutions and relevant keywords for this period) and (c) the modelling of topics that is necessary to establish a linked database format in ERR's archive. This additional layer of metadata will make ERR's archive potentially analysable for the social scientists and historians. Also it will help to improve the quality of the ERR's public services and its cooperation with other memory institutions.

Project page on ETIS:

Project funded by Ministry of Education and Research

Enactive co-presence in narrative virtual reality - a triadic interaction model

Enactive co-presence in narrative virtual reality - a triadic interaction model

Responsible executor: Pia Tikka

The proposed multidisciplinary project integrates film and digital media studies, physiological experiments, and theoretical synthesis. The future medium that combines cinema with immersive virtual reality (VR) allows real-time interaction between the viewer and screen characters. The core assumption is that new technological developments such as VR do not radically change the way how stories are told. Rather, same emotive-cognitive rules that drive narrative sense-making in literature and films drive our minds also when exploring narratives in VR headsets. What aspects these new methods of storytelling add to the viewer’s experience of co-presence, and how they can be harnessed for storytelling in VR? The goal of the proposed 5-year project is to augment multidisciplinary knowledge exchange about narrative film and media. Accommodating young researchers and fuelling future innovations, the project will benefit both the academic community as well as local film industry.

Project page on ETIS:

Project funded by Mobilitas+ programme

European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach

European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach

Responsible executor: 

Anastassia Zabrodskaja

Project page on ETIS:

Rahastaja: Euroopa Komisjon


Media literacy in the Baltics

Media literacy in the Baltics

Responsible executor: Andres Jõesaar

The basic starting points for the continuation of the project are essentially the same as in the initial phase of the project (16.03.2020–15.05.2021).
(1) training professional journalists, journalism professors and their students (future journalists) in the use of tools aimed at ensuring reliable, fair, accurate, independent and objective coverage in the face of concerted disinformation efforts.
(2) developing classroom interventions aimed at increasing media literacy and increasing resistance to misinformation;
(3) Cooperate with media organizations and help organize the work of mentors and others as part of outreach and implementation.