Research in Tallinn University

Tallinn University supports the sustainable development of Estonia through high quality research and study, education of intellectuals, public discussions and promotion of academic partnership. 

Wishing to contribute more to the society, we have set the goal of becoming the promoter of intelligent lifestyle in Estonia. The term Intelligent Lifestyle stands for making research-based decisions in order to improve the society in general and the well-being of its citizens.

To support both Estonian sustainability, as well as self-actualization of individuals, we consolidate our  activities into five focus fields.

academics (FTE)517

full-time professors (FTE)61

foreign researchers21%


51% of our academic staff have a doctoral degree and 64% of our academic staff are women. As of 06.12.2024.

From six OECD Frascat manual research fields, five are prominently represented in Tallinn University. In 2022, Tallinn University's financed projects were in: 

  • Social sciences – 48%
  • Humanities and Arts - 41%
  • Natural sciences – 5%
  • Engineering and Technology – 3%
  • Medical and Health sciences– 3%



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Indrek Ibrus

Indrek Ibrus

Professor of Media Innovation, MEDIT

„While our starting point is critical media and digital culture studies we are also cooperating actively with various cultural and media institutions. This is the best way to work towards solutions that are innovative and create significant public value.“
Liisi Keedus

Liisi Keedus

Senior Research Fellow in TU CoE in Intercultural Studies

„Scientists need to think in novel ways in order to start a dialogue with the society – especially at times when existing knowledge no longer helps to understand or address its problems.“
Tobias Ley

Tobias Ley

Professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation, Head of the Center of Excellence on Educational Innovation

„We are initiating and supporting educational innovation in Estonia and Europe by committing to top-level research and high impact in society at the same time.“