
Educational innovation is dynamic and constantly evolving, responding to technological advances, societal changes, and economic demands. HUT takes a broader view of educational innovation, based on the need to create a research-based basis for the formation and establishment of a new learning and teaching culture in Estonian education.

In the period 2015–2023, HUT focused on digital learning environments and tools and new technology-enriched methods for promoting learning analytics and research. In the years 2024–2026, HUT focuses on the development of learning, teaching and flexible learning paths in formal and non-formal education, evidence-based school development, the dimension of lifelong learning in a technology-rich environment as well as the field of sustainable education.

HUT's research activities are divided between four directions

HUT's activities are divided into four research and development areas, which are integrated with each other and, in addition to international research activities, have a clear perspective on solving challenges in the field of Estonian education and society at large.

1. Learning and teaching in formal and non-formal education aims to achieve a sustainable learning society, research-based modeling of practices and evaluation of effects (including supporting the self-directed learner; designing and managing a flexible learning path; inclusive education and a multicultural learning environment; integration of formal, informal and non-formal education).

Ongoing research and development projects: 

The project aims to understand the current situation with the implementation of inclusive practices in the first stage of Estonian schools (i.e., grades 1-3), support the development of teachers' and support specialists' competencies in applying inclusive practices to support all students, and assess the impact of the professional development program on teaching and learning in inclusive classrooms.

The aim of the project is to develop a theoretically grounded framework and instruments to investigate the characteristics of scientific habits of mind, and systems thinking in upper secondary school students as well as research instruments for assessing teachers' knowledge related to systems thinking; to create digital expert-validated maps of the development of core scientific concepts to enhance students' systems thinking and to study their impact on students;  and also increase the competence of science teachers through training.

The project aims to enhance scientific excellence and research potential in the
field of research on integrating formal education and workplace learning for students in basic and secondary schools.

The project aims to promote and facilitate digitalisation among teacher educators in Europe (and beyond).

The project aims to co-develop and implement innovative teaching and learning approaches to concrete policies for capacity building in the digital, entrepreneurial, STEM/STEAM innovation and sustainability fields, from which young women from rural areas and Higher Education students would benefit.

The aim of the project is to understand relations between place-based cultural space creation and sustainable development in peripheral regions of Estonia.

2. Lifelong learning in a technology-rich environment develops learning and teaching practices integrated with new technologies and examines their impact on learners, organizations and society. The research focuses on general education, vocational education, higher education as well as learning at work, in memory institutions and civil society.

Ongoing research and development projects:

The goal of the project is to develop and pilot new innovative e-learning solutions in adult education in experiential learning practices.

The project aims to be a flagship for digital education innovation, raising the profile of European digital education in general, as well as the European Digital Education Hub and the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

The project aims to develop digital educational technologies and support cooperation between academia and businesses.

The GOT project aims to shift towards data-driven and evidence-based methods of providing digital education in the University of Cape Coast and the University of Education, Winneba and changing the thinking of researchers, educators and digital solutions providers.

The goal of the project is to develop methods of co-creation for understanding digital cultural heritage, using it in various fields and transferring knowledge related to heritage.

3. Evidence-based school development focuses on a learning and teaching culture that supports the development of the learner by developing the ability of schools to manage evidence-based and collaborative change.

Ongoing research and development projects:

The aim of the project is to create a development program of up to three years that promotes a learner-centered culture and evidence-based management, and to develop criteria and principles for selecting educational institutions participating in the development program to involve the administrator of the educational institution participating in the development program.

4. Education and sustainable future research direction addresses societal challenges of sustainable development, focusing, among other things, on the field of sustainable education. The research and development work carried out within the research direction contributes to the development of sustainable and responsible individuals, organizations, communities and countries through educational innovations, while keeping in mind the broader societal benefits.

Ongoing research and development projects:

The goal of the project is to develop horizontal green skills.

The aim of the framework contract is to create a strong and flexible partnership between ministries and research consortias, which is to supprt the Estonian climate aims through research-based policymaking. 

STEAMkitchen aims to contribute to the transformation of the educational practices in higher education, to provide teacher educators as well as preservice teachers concrete instruments and experiences for implementing STEAM principles into home economics learning practices with focus on sustainability issues.

The project aims to develop a European-scale research and innovation based hub at Tallinn University - Science Kitchen, with a sustainable management and research performance, strong networking and finance generation capacity to become an independent and internationally recognised actor in the field of Home Economics.

The Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation is coordinated by the council:


Terje Väljataga 
Head of the Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation,