Terje Väljataga
Associate Professor in new learning environments and technologies
School of Educational Sciences
Terje's main research focus has been on exploring the possibilities and limitations of digital technology in education. Her first contact with educational technology was in 2003-2004 in the master's program at the University of Twente, followed by a doctoral degree at the Tampere University of Technology, studying the self-direction of adult learners in a technology-enhanced learning environment and since 2005, Terje has been involved in various educational technology and innovation research and development projects, both at the Institute of Digital Technologies and Educational Sciences integrating the newest research outcomes into her teaching. Terje considers evidence-based and an interdisciplinary approach to educational innovation to be important involving all parties. Currently she is the head of the Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation and coordinates the research of the Eduspace laboratory.
Main tasks
- Initiating and implementing research and development projects on educational innovation and educational technology on all education levels, in formal and informal contexts
- Teaching at master level (research methods, research seminars, innovation in schools and classrooms, engaging learning technologies)
- Supervising master and PhD thesis in the field of educational innovation and technology
- Development of educational innovation
Areas of research
STEAM learning and mobile outdoor learning, scientific and system thinking
Disruptive technologies in education, ethics and values in education
Innovative didactical approaches, learning design and impact on learners
Sustainable education and social inclusion