Katrin Männik
Visiting Research Fellow in Sustainable Education
School of Educational Sciences
My themes for collaboration are: sustainable university and carbon footprint, human and organizational developments in green transition, horizontal green skills in curricula development, climate and innovation awareness, implementation of STEAM practices in home economics teacher education, educational innovations, educational and social scientific input in climate policy and innovation policy. I managed the Tallinn University Open Academy, also an environmental cluster KEKO. I have worked for private and public sector (Technopolis Group, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Estonian Academy of Sciences, universities). I am a member of a steering committee of the European Universities Continuous Education Association (EUCEN), also Involved in the HAKA Continuing Education Cooperation Chamber and the Council of the Energy Discovery Center. I am collaborating with the European Future Innovation Systems Centre (EFIS).
Areas of research
Sustainable education, organisation and society
Green skills and integration to curricula development
Business and university collaboration models and joint projects