Management and Council
School of Governance, Law and Society is led by the Director of the Institute and the Council. In addition, the institute has a board of directors, which includes heads of academic fields and research centers.
Institute director | Indrek Grauberg |
Head of Political Science | Distinguished Professor of Comparative Politics Raivo Vetik |
Head of Sociology |
Associate Professor of Sociology Triin Roosalu |
Head of Law | Institute director Indrek Grauberg |
Head of International Relations and Future-studies | Associate Professor of International Relations Birgit Poopuu |
Head of Social Protection | Associate Professor of Social Work Ingrid Sindi |
Head of Estonian Institute for Population Studies | Professor of Social and Population Policy Lauri Leppik |
Head of Institute of International Social Studies | Professor of Sociology of Work and Education Kadri Täht |
Institute's Development plan
Instituudi nõukogu valimised 2022
Akadeemiliste töötajate esindajate kandidaadid:
Liisa Martma, interdistsiplinaarsete eluteeuuringute tippkeskuse nooremteadur
Tiina Pajuste, rahvusvahelise õiguse ja julgeoleku professor
Tõnis Saarts, võrdleva poliitika dotsent
Luule Sakkeus, demograafia sihtrahastusega professor
Georg Sootla, avaliku poliitika teenekas professor
Anu Toots, sotsiaalpoliitika teenekas professor
Vaata tutvustusvideot siin
Mitteakadeemiliste töötajate esindajate kandidaat:
Koidu Saia, teaduskoordinaator