About MIRNet
Twinning for excellence in migration and integration research and networking
Estonia is one of the smallest countries in the EU, but has one of the largest percentages of foreign-born population as well as emigration levels per capita. In addition, Estonia is facing, like many other EU countries, accelerating levels of labour migration and new challenges related to accepting and integrating asylum seekers. In this societal context, the overall objective of this project proposal is to establish Tallinn University (TU) as an internationally renowned centre of expertise on migration and migrant integration issues, in cooperation with three internationally leading counterparts: the University of Sussex, Roskilde University and the University of Tampere.
While the field of migration and integration is burgeoning in many major research centres in Western Europe and across the world, the research tends to be clustered into closed consortia of internationally leading research institutions, mostly located in the traditionally migrant receiving countries. Also, much migration research tends to be focused on migration from the Global South to the Global North, while East-West migration has also become highly prominent, yet less researched over the past couple of decades.
The MIRNet project aims to address both of these challenges by aiming to build up better networks and research excellence in a Widening country such as Estonia, which is also ideally positioned to address the issues of East-West migration together with a truly interdisciplinary consortium of partners: the Sussex Centre for Migration Research at the University of Sussex, the Intercultural Studies research group at Roskilde University and the Research Centre on Transnationalism and Transformation at the University of Tampere.
The objectives of the project
- To establish a research centre at TU which would conduct locally, nationally and internationally relevant research on East-West migration.
- To advance the quality and volume of research on migration, especially East-West migration, and migrant integration issues in cooperation with the MIRNet project partners, with a special focus on supporting early career researchers.
- To improve the networking position and visibility of all the partners and especially the migration and integration research scholars of TU, partly also via increased and more strategic staff mobility.
- To improve the ability of TU and all the partners to attract research funding both at the national and international level for migration and integration research.
- To advance public dissemination skills of TU regarding the research results in the field of migration and integration.
Project facts
- Lead partner: Tallinn University
- Partners: The University of Sussex; Roskilde Universitet; Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio SR
- Duration: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022
- Total budget: 800 000 EUR
- Funding: Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020
Project manager:
Prof. Raivo Vetik, Tallinn University, Institute of Governance, Law and Society