One Year of Master's Studies in Communication Management!
The Communication Management Master's programme is open to people from all backgrounds to gain universal knowledge and experience that can be adapted to all professions. The programme also directly prepares you for a managerial job in the fields of public relations, marketing or communication. Having studied for almost a year now, I can share my reflections on the experience so far.

My decision to enrol at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School for a Master's Degree in Communication Management was influenced primarily by my desire to broaden my knowledge of communication and management in addition to my previous education. In addition, I consider the opportunity to study in English in an international environment in my home town a very valuable experience. It will definitely help to deepen my English speaking and writing skills, but also to gain valuable experience in international communication and thus learn more about my own origin and culture. I think that all this will come in handy whatever you decide to do in life.
In the information age, communication has a key role to play in any field. The programme can therefore be recommended to all those who wish to adapt their knowledge of communication within an organisation or with the public, media relations, public relations, marketing, but also international communication (intercultural communication). As the curriculum is designed to educate future potential managers, it also touches on a number of business and economics topics, for example in courses such as Introduction to Media Management and Economics, Organisational Communication, and Creative Entrepreneurship.
Lectures and seminars are held in the evening, usually starting at 16:00, which allows you to work on your books or do paid work in the first half of the day. Studies generally allow time for everything. However, you will need to set aside a certain amount of time each week for your exams and assignments. As the lecturers present the course programme at the beginning and give the dates of the examinations well in advance, it is possible to plan your time and there is no shortage of free days. Successful time planning is certainly important both for completing the programme and for future work.
For me, all the lectures have been very exciting so far. I think the variety of the lecture courses gives the opportunity to acquire a broad knowledge, thus also creating a wide range of options on what to focus on in the future or which field to go into. So I can't say that there is anything I feel lacking or that there is too much of anything.
The teaching staff members are professional, responsive and practitioners in their field, in addition to theorising. It is also worth mentioning and praising the curator of the Communication Management curriculum, Professor Anastassia Zabrodskaja, whose clarity of descriptions in the notes and promptness in answering emails and solving problems, we have discussed with fellow students, make her well worthy of her title.
Do you want to learn about intercultural communication, both written and spoken, leadership in the public or private sector, as well as marketing, public relations, the cultural impact of social media on society and transmedia storytelling theories and methods? A Master's degree in Communication Management offers all this!