Tallinn University Trade Union is an independent and voluntary civil society organisation that represents and protects the interests of the employees of Tallinn University.

  • Click here to view the Tallinn University Trade Union statute (in Estonian).
  • In June 2023, a collective agreement was signed between the trade union and the rectorate, which protects all university employees. Read the collective agreement here.

You are welcome to contact us via our general address ametiyhing@tlu.ee. You can contact the Member of the Board, CEO, board members or trustees directly as well. An appointment via email and/or by phone.

Members of the Board

  • Triin Lauri (avaliku poliitika dotsent, ühiskonnateaduste instituut)

  • Marika  Kutškova (Programme Coordinator, School of Educational Sciences)

  • Tanel Vallimäe (Lecturer, School of Governance, Law and Society)

  • Riin Seema (Associate Professor of Pedagogical Counselling, School of Educational Sciences)

Executive officer: Joonatan Nõgisto
To schedule an appointment, please write to joonatan.nogisto@tlu.ee

Accountant: Eva Kuuskla
To schedule an appointment, please call +372 52 186 12 

Our address is: Narva mnt 25, room T-303, Tallinn 10120.  

Registry code: 80079671. Bank account: MTÜ Tallinna Ülikooli Ametiühing, EE892200001120063120                                                                                                                                                                               

To join the Tallinn University Trade Union, please fill out and digitally sign the membership application. Please send this document to ametiyhing@tlu.ee. If you are a PhD student, please fill out the PhD student application form.

The membership fee for PhD students at Tallinn University is only €24 a year. If you are also a university employee, it is possible to pay the membership fee of €2 a month from your income at the university.