National Awards
Decorations of the President
Lembi LõugasAssociate Professor, Head of Archaeological Research Collection Valgetähe IV |
Maire TuulAssociate Professor of Early Childhood Education Valgetähe V |
Tõnu ViikRector Valgetähe III |
Eve EisenschmidtProfessor of Educational Valgetähe IV |
Sille Kapper-TiislerAssociate Professor Valgetähe V |
Larissa JõgiAssociate Professor of Andragogy Valgetähe IV |
Jaagup KipparSenior Lecturer of Software Engineering Valgetähe V |
Anne LangeAssociate Professor of Translation Studies Valgetähe V |
Kristiina TreialVisiting Lecturer in School Psychology Punase Risti IV teenetemärk |
Tiit LandProfessor of Chemistry Valgetähe III |
Peeter NormakDirector of the School Valgetähe IV |
Helle MetslangHonorary Doctor Valgetähe IV |
Tiina KalaAssociate Professor Valgetähe V |
Luule SakkeusResearch Professor in Demography Valgetähe IV |
Sirje VirkusProfessor of Information Science Valgetähe IV |
Merike SisaskProfessor of Social Health Care Valgetähe IV |
Indrek VijardChoir Conductor Valgetähe IV |
Juhan KreemAssociate Professor Valgetähe V |
Kristjan Port
Professor of Health Behaviour
and Sports Biology
Valgetähe III
Eve KikasProfessor in School Psychology Valgetähe IV |
Tiiu KirsipuuAssociate Professor of Sculpture Valgetähe IV |
Tiiu KuurmeAssociate Professor of Educational Sciences Valgetähe V |
Madis LepikAssociate Professor of Mathematics Didactics Valgetähe IV |
Romi MankiProfessor Emeritus
Valgetähe IV |
Daniele MonticellProfessor of Semiotics and Translation Studies Valgetähe IV |
Luule EpnerAssociate Professor of Estonian Literature Valgetähe V |
Anne TikoLecturer
Valgetähe V |
Harry LiivrandAcademic Library Head of Scientific Communication and Exhibitions
Valgetähe V |
Indrek TreufeldtAssociate Professor of Television Journalism Valgetähe IV |
Mart LaanpereProfessor of Mathematics and Computing Education Valgetähe V |
Kaarel ZilmerSenior Lecturer of Recreation Management Valgetähe IV |
Leiu HeapostSenior Researcher Valgetähe V |
Ülle TamlaSenior Treasurer Valgetähe V |
Mihhail LotmanProfessor Emeritus Valgetähe II |
Mare PorkProfessor Emeritus Valgetähe teenetemärk |
Krista KergeProfessor Emeritus Valgetähe teenetemärk |
Marju KõivupuuSenior Researcher Valgetähe teenetemärk |
Research Award
Merike Sisask
Professor of Social Health Care
Epp Annus
Associate Professor
Tobias Ley
Mart Laanpere
Professor of Mathematics and Computing Education
Kairit Tammets
Professor of Technology-enhanced Learning, Head
Terje Väljataga
Associate Professor in new learning environments and technologies
Katrin Poom-Valickis
Luis Pablo Prieto Santos
Maria Jesús Rodriguez-Triana
Associate Professor in Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining
Paul Seitlinger
Senior Research Fellow in Cognition and Social Interaction in learning
Marika Mägi
Associate Professor
Allan Puur
Professor of Demography
Rein Raud
Professor of Asian Studies
Ellu Saar
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Arvo Ratassepa Award 2014
Linda Kardna
Associate Professor Emeritus
Sports Lifetime Award
Rein Haljand
Professor Emeritus