10th Biennial conference of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH)
Boundaries in/of Environmental History
Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August 2019
Welcome to the 10th biennial conference of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH), Boundaries in/of Environmental History!
Estonian Centre for Environmental History (KAJAK) was founded at Tallinn University as recent as 2011 and has promoted environmental history in the Baltic region since then. It is a great honour for us at KAJAK to host Europe’s best environmental historians on the Society’s 20th anniversary in Tallinn! We do our best to make it a memorable and enjoyable event.
Take your time to enjoy not only the intellectual vibes of the conference but also Estonia’s capital Tallinn, the great food and drinks offered here and its manyfold cultural and outdoor activities!
You can subscribe to our conference news and travel tips through our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/2409421585947549/
Video broadcast from the keynote sessions can be followed HERE .
Pictures about the ESEH 2019 Conference can be found HERE
See you in Tallinn!
Kohtumiseni Tallinnas!
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,
Prof. Ulrike Plath
Dr. Kati Lindström
Dr. Kadri Tüür
Dr. Viktor Pál, Head of the ESEH Next Generation Action Team (NEXTGATe)
Confirmed speakers include
Prof. Kate Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Prof. Alf Hornborg (Lund University)
Plenary roundtable:
Prof. Dolly Jørgensen (University of Stavanger)
Prof. Kalevi Kull (University of Tartu)
Ass. Prof. Andrea Gaynor (University of Western Australia)
Ass. Prof. Franz Mauelshagen (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam)
Senior researcher Stefania Barca (University of Coimbra)
Head of the Program Committee Prof. Finn Arne Jørgensen (University of Stavanger)
The ESEH issues a small number of travel grants and registration fee waivers for ESEH members who will deliver papers or present posters at the 2019 ESEH Conference in Tallinn, but who would not be able to attend the conference without external support. These travel grants are intended for graduate students, independent scholars, and those from low-income countries. The call will be issued on the ESEH website and through its mailing list.
Merely one month before the ESEH 2019 takes place the "3rd World Congress of Environmental History (WCEH) Convergences: The Global South and the Global North in the Era of Great Acceleration". For more information on its Call for Papers and programme see their webpage.
On practical matters such as visa letters, contact through the email eseh2019@tlu.ee
Questions about proposals should be directed to the Programme Committee chair through the email conference@eseh.org.
Hosts/ organisers:
Estonian Centre for Environmental History (KAJAK)
Tallinn University
European Society for Environmental History
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