Test of English for Aviation (T.E.A.)
Tallinn University Centre for International Examinations is an authorised Test of English for Aviation (TEA) testing centre in Estonia.
Pursuant to the ICAO Regulation 9835 all airline and helicopter pilots who fly internationally, and all air traffic controllers who provide services to international flights must have a minimum level of English known as ICAO Operational Level 4.
Test of English for Aviation (TEA), developed by Mayflower College, has already been used in Estonia for 11 years.
TEA assesses the candidate’s listening and speaking skills. During the interview six subskills are scored: pronunciation, language structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and interaction. To learn more about the assessment see the ICAO Rating Scale at http://www.maycoll.co.uk/pdfs/descriptors.pdf.
To learn more about TEA and listen to the sample interview see www.tea-test.com.
Test centre is open from Tuesday to Friday 10.00-15.00
If you need to get in touch with us please do so via emails. Please keep in mind that response time might be a bit longer.
TEA takes place on the last Thursday of every month.
Price: 140 euros
Contact: tea-test@tlu.ee