Belonging to international cooperation networks is important for every university – a highly renowned network offers significant added value to the university. The main outputs of the cooperation carried out within the network are joint projects and working group meetings where colleagues can share experience, information and shape joint opinions. Cooperation networks of universities have also grown into strong contributors for shaping the strategies for the policy on higher education in the European Union.
Tallinn University is a member of nine different networks.
- European University Association (EUA)
- EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE)
- Magna-Charta Universitatum
- Baltic University Programme (BUP) - contact: Tallinn University BUP coordinator Tiina Elvisto.
- Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) - contact at Tallinn University Katrin Poom-Valickis
- European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI)
- European Network of Innovative Higher Education Institutions (ENIHEI)
Tallinn University joined UNICA in 2006. The network joins universities of European capital cities and coordinates activities through various field-specific working groups. Tallinn University is an active member in the IRO working group of UNICA and one of the leaders of UNICA Green and SDGs. The Summer School of Tallinn University also laid the foundation to UNICA’s working group of Summer and Winter School.
From 2004, Tallinn University is a member of EUA, the mission of which is the continued development of European higher education and research. From 2008, the university is also a member of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education. The mission of this council is to contribute to the development of doctoral studies and training of doctoral students with the aim of making them more visible both in Europe and globally.
In 2009, Tallinn University signed the Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum and since 1993, it is a member of the Baltic University Programme (BUP). The Baltic University Programme (BUP) is a network of universities and other institutes of higher learning throughout the Baltic Sea region. The network is coordinated by the Baltic University Program Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden. The Programme focuses on questions of sustainable development, environmental protection, and democracy in the Baltic Sea region. The aim is to support the key role that universities play in a democratic, peaceful and sustainable development.
The last network Tallinn University joined is FilmEU. FilmEU is a European University alliance supported by the Erasmus + programme of the European Commission. In addition to TLU, the members of the network are Lusofona University, LUCA School of Arts andDún Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology
Schools are also members of numerous specialised networks.
Further information:
Anete Elken
Senior Specialist for International Cooperation
Strategy Office
+372 6199 503