on this page you can find some of the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question then you are welcome to contact the International Admissions Office via email at  admissions@tlu.ee or by phone +372 6409 234.

When is the application deadline?

Our application deadlines are based on citizenship and residency status in Estonia. You can find all the dates for the 2025 intake here. All documents (including proof of English proficiency) and programme-specific requirements need to be submitted and fulfilled by the application deadline. 

Am I eligible to apply with the educational documents from my home country?

You can see our country-specific requirements here

If there is no individual page for your country, then a good indication of whether you are eligible for higher education studies in Estonia, is whether you have access to them in your home country.

The final assessment of your educational documents will be made by the university’s admission specialists. The university has the right to make inquiries, use different databases, and institutions, as well as submit documents certifying education to the Estonian ENIC/NARIC for the purpose of assessing your obtained qualification(s). The evaluation process may take up to one month and is done after you have received your conditional acceptance.

I will receive my final diploma after the application deadline. What should I do?

Please upload your latest study results and your current educational institution to your application.

Applicants who are still studying by the application deadline, are granted an extension until the 1st of July 2025 to submit their final educational documents.

If your documents are not originally in English, then you need to take into account the time it would take to get them translated.

If according to our country-specific requirements your educational institution is required to send us hard copies of your documents, then they also need to reach us by the indicated deadline.

It is not possible to grant any additional extensions, so please make sure you will be able to meet the deadline before applying. 

I will turn 18 years old after the start of the semester. Can I still apply?

As of 2021, we do not admit any minors to any of our study programmes. An exception can be made only in case one of your parents accompanies you to Estonia and stays with you until you turn 18 years old. If it is possible for you and one of your parents to comply with this requirement then please contact us and we will inform you of the steps you are required to take.  

Can I submit my English exam results after the application deadline?

All required documents, including proof of English proficiency, need to be submitted by the application deadline. Unfortunately, it is not possible to offer any extensions, therefore, we recommend you prepare for this well in advance and take an international English exam before the application period. 

My English language skills do not meet the minimum entry requirements. Do you offer any preparatory language programmes?

No, we do not offer any such programmes. 

Where can I see the courses offered on each study programme?

You can see the exact courses taught on each programme on the Study Information System: ÕIS. From the list on the left, choose Study programmes, then choose the academic unit and the specific programme. By clicking View more you can find all the offered modules and courses. 

When are the entrance examinations taking place?

Entrance exams take place several times during the application period. You will be contacted by the academic unit once your application has been reviewed by the admission committee of your chosen programme. 

Do I have to come to Estonia for the entrance examinations?

Generally, applicants are not required to travel to Estonia for the entrance exam. The entrance exam usually consists of a motivation letter or a creative portfolio (depends on the programme) and a video interview. However, occasionally, applicants from neighbouring countries may be asked to come to Estonia.

When do I find out if I am admitted?

Once you have successfully passed your entrance exam and fulfilled the requirements of your conditional acceptance, you will receive your final acceptance letter. Non-EU/EEA citizens are required to pay the first semester's tuition fee before their final acceptance. 

Can I defer the start date of my studies?

No, unfortunately, that is not possible. You need to commence your studies in the intake you apply to. If you are unable to do so, then you need to reapply for another intake. 

Can I transfer from another educational institution?

It is not possible to apply as a transfer student. The transfer of credits can be negotiated once you are accepted as a degree student. However, it cannot be confirmed beforehand if the study outcomes that you have already acquired are compatible with the ones offered at Tallinn University, so it is possible, that not many credits can be transferred.

How much is tuition?

You can find the tuition fees for our Bachelor's and Master's programmes here.

PhD programmes are free of charge.

When do I have to pay the tuition fees?

Non-EU/EEA citizens will need to pay the tuition fee for the first semester once they have fulfilled the requirements of their conditional acceptance. After that, the final offer is made and the final acceptance letter is issued. The following semesters are paid according to the payment plan chosen when signing the study contract. 

EU/EEA citizens make their first tuition fee payment in the autumn semester according to the payment plan chosen when signing the study contract (except applicants applying to the Interaction Design MSc programme, who will receive an invoice to pay the tuition fee for the first semester after the positive evaluation results of their previous education). Further information about available plans will be given by the academic unit.

I need a visa to come to Estonia but there is no Estonian embassy in my country. What should I do?

You have to travel to a country with an Estonian embassy handling visa applications. You can find more information about the visa application process here

How do I apply for a temporary residence permit (TRP) for study?

If you are an EU/EEA citizen then please read here about your right of temporary residence. 

If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen then you can read about the TRP application process here

What are the monthly living costs?

You can read more about living costs here

What accommodation options are available?

We have a dormitory for international students, located a 3-minute walk away from our campus. However, the number of places is limited and therefore, we recommend students look into private accommodation options. You can read more about both options here

Can I work during my studies and where can I find a job?

Yes, you can. TRP for study holders are also allowed to work as long as it does not interfere with their studies. More information about working alongside your studies can be found here

Are there any study allowances or scholarships?

Yes, you can read about study allowances here and scholarships here

Please note that it is not possible to apply for most scholarships and allowances before your final acceptance. It is also not possible in most cases to waive the first semester's tuition fee payment requirement for non-EU/EEA citizens, so please make sure you are financially prepared for studies abroad. 

What support is available to students during their studies?

You can see the different support structures available at university here