Academy+ is a is a university-wide interdisciplinary initiative that aims to offer master level students additional learning opportunities and the academics the possibility to combine teaching with that part of their research that falls outside the curriculum.
In addition to the courses and seminars offered within Academy+, it also combines the current guest lectures into a complete interdisciplinary series. The courses can be in both Estonian and English. Academy+ also provides an opportunity to integrate the contribution of short-term visiting foreign academics into the study process and initiate online courses with the participation of the university's international partners.
Principles of Academy+
new opportunities: Academy+ gives the opportunity for academically curious students to broaden their horizons, add interdisciplinary perspectives to the fundamental knowledge they are acquiring and familiarize themselves with newer standpoints that have not yet become commonplace;
combining research and teaching: the frameworks of the curriculum are often too narrow to present students the results of current research, but academy+ helps to do so;
interdisciplinarity: the complex issues facing today's world often require a bigger picture - Academy+ allows people from different disciplines to come together and discuss problems from several perspectives
For academics
Twice a year, by dates approved by the academic affairs manager, all university lecturers may offer courses. The condition is that the developed course amounts to 6 ECTS and is conducted by lecturers from at least two academic fields. Based on the proposals made by the head of studies, the academic affairs manager decides which courses will be opened for teaching in the next semester. The courses can be in both Estonian and English and all masters level students studying at the university have the right to register. To open a course, a minimum of 20 study places must be announced, and if fewer than 15 places are filled, the course will not be opened.
The work of the lecturers participating in the Academy+ is added to their workload.
The application round for opening courses for the spring semester of 2024/2025 is open to all academic staff and lasts until December 15th. You can find the course proposal template here. Please submit the completed template to
For students
Academy+ offers students the opportunity to acquire knowledge outside the framework offered by the curriculum. Students are able to participate in the courses offered by the lecturers from Tallinn University as well as international partners.
Master's students are welcome to attend the courses as specified in the subject card.