Cultural Event

KorFest'19: Janette Norkko ja Britta Kaukver

Presenting the BA performaces by Janette Norkko and Britta Kaukver

03/02/2019 - 18:00 - 20:00

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Janette Norkko (BA 2019) "Seed"

Come, let me show you myself in a nutshell. In it, there's fruit, fresh and newborn, that has remained untouched like a spring. In it, there's fruit, sturdy and ancient, that has changed over the course of time. Come, let me show you this fruit, today and forever. All thoughts are of your own doing, this fruit is their particularity. Come!

Performing: Elle Maria Viies, Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa, Karmen Teesi Pregel, Carolyn Veensalu, Kertu Kasemets, Mona Mia Lember
Costume design: Karina Kirs
Poster: Teele-Riin Kodar
Supervisor: Helena Pihel

Britta Kaukver (BA 2019) "A careless one will go without!"

Folk game- and song-plays have retreated into nurseries, but once they were a part of the pre-marriage traditions- a way for young adults to get to know each other through these games. Let's play again...

Performing: Lisanna Tälli, Kristina Avdonina, Mari Parašin, Kristina Sorgus, Sass Jürisoo, Robert Kuks, Richard Beljohin.
Costume design: Pamela Põld
Supervisor: Elo Unt

KorFest is a festival for the graduation performances of the dance curriculum of Tallinn University.