The e-course is a systematic comprehensive set of study materials, study activities and study instructions that supports the implementation of the study process online (source: The e-course supports both online and blended learning.

Best Practices for Creating and Structuring E-Courses


Best Practices are established according to the quality criteria outlined in the "E-course Quality Label" competition. The following guidelines are recommended for academic staff to enhance the quality of their courses:

  1. Ensure the course title aligns with title in ÕIS, incorporating the course code, title, and the corresponding study year.
  2. Include the course link in the ÕIS system. Video tutorials: Moodle and Google Classroom.
  3. Develop a detailed course program that outlines the course's purpose, learning outcomes, and assessment criteria.
  4. Provide a well-structured schedule, clearly specifying the hours allocated for classroom instruction and independent work for each session.
  5. Describe all learning activities, including those conducted outside the Moodle platform.
  6. Establish a communication channel, such as a forum, for addressing concerns and facilitating interaction among learners and lecturers.
  7. Ensure the course maintains a cohesive and logical structure that accurately represents its content.
  8. Offer diverse study materials beyond simple lecture presentations, such as interactive content of suitable size (video length up to 10 minutes, static texts up to 2 pages).
  9. Include exercises or tests that are not graded, allowing learners to self-assess their acquired knowledge.
  10. Integrate learning activities that align with the specified learning outcomes and provide a means to measure their achievement.
  11. Provide regular feedback to learners, both individually and in group settings, with automated feedback for exercises and tests.
  12. Ensure learners have access to their results within the e-learning environment, utilizing available grading features.
  13. Include references to works of other authors in the course materials if they have been utilized.

E-course Quality Criteria


When creating Tallinn University e-courses, the guide "Guide to creating a high-quality e-course" created by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (2021) and the quality criteria described in the guide are helpful:

Competition "E-course Quality Label"


Competition "E-course Quality Label"

Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA) organizes the "E-course Quality Label" competition every year. The purpose of the competition is:

  • Increase the quality of e-courses in higher education, vocational training and general education, and share good experiences.
  • The quality mark shows the very good level of the e-course and is a recognition of the creator and maker of the e-course who has achieved excellent results in the application of digital technology in the learning process. The quality mark of the e-course confirms to the learner that the course and the level of its execution meet the quality requirements.

E-learning Center can help



E-learning Centre helps you to develop your course step-by-step:

  • Analyze course goals and learning outcomes
  • Design the learning process (methods, workload etc.)
  • Develop interactive and supportive e-learning materials
  • Choose and implement different digital solutions for learning activities
  • Set up grading and evaluation criteria in LMS

To ensure better cooperation between the e-learning center and the creator of the course, please complete a self-assessment beforehand and then contact us for a consultation.


E-learning Center