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The wealth of experience I gained at Tallinn University has had a positive impact on my career and personal growth!

This year the Master's Programme in Communication Management is celebrating its 10th anniversary. As part of the celebrations, we are conducting a series of interviews with our alumni to highlight their achievements and share their experiences.

Jia Liu photo

Currently, I work as a Business Development Manager at Europa Air & Sea Shanghai branch. My job largely involves negotiating with clients, suppliers, and internal assistants, making it closely related to the field of communication management.

The MA programme in Communication Management not only helped me obtain the necessary diploma for this position but also provided me with valuable knowledge, logical thinking skills, and improved academic writing abilities that continue to benefit me in my work.
While social science may not lend itself to experiments or tangible demonstrations, the programme gave me essential skills that I use daily. For example, I learned how to effectively communicate complex ideas, analyze data, and develop efficient strategies to achieve business goals.

During my time in the programme, I truly loved the experience, and it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I gained valuable study experience, met precious friends, and created beautiful memories that still hold a special place in my heart. After graduation, I got a position as a marketing manager in a wood trade company in Estonia. Although I no longer live in Tallinn/Estonia and currently reside in Shanghai, I know that I can find a job with my knowledge and experience no matter where I am.

In conclusion, while people often focus on the results, such as finding a good job after completing a degree, I believe that the experience, knowledge, and interesting studies gained from education are more valuable than just the final result. The MA programme in Communication Management provided me with an enriching experience that positively impacted my career and personal growth.