The Digital Transformation and Lifelong Learning Research Group participated in the two-day Next Generation Government Symposium 2022.
The Next Generation Government Symposium (NGGS) conference "Challenges and Opportunities for an Open Digital Society" was held in February. Tallinn University was represented by DTI Director Peeter Normak, DTI Digital transformation and Lifelong Learning Research Group and Kai Pata (HTI).

The Next Generation Government Symposium (NGGS) conference "Challenges and Opportunities for an Open Digital Society" was held in February.
The NGGS brings together stakeholders from academia, government and the private sector in a symposium format to better understand next generation government issues from interdisciplinary perspectives in technology, education, government, and law.
Tallinn University was represented by DTI Director Peeter Normak, DTI Digital transformation and Lifelong Learning Research Group and HTI Kai Pata.
10. veebruar
- Peeter Normak participated in the Research Topics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Panel "Collaboration of Public Sector and Academia".
- Kai Pata was the Keynote Speaker on the topic of “Values centred design of socio-technical systems”.
- Merja Bauters and James Sunney Quaicoe participated in panel discussion "Trends in higher education and future development of digital skills". Representatives from TalTech and the University of Tartu also took part in the conversation. The panel discussion moderator was Darja Tokranova.
- Merja Bauters did a presentation "Digital Culture, Competencies and Open Society".
- Doctoral student and junior researcher Darja Tokranova presented part of their research "Non-Fungible Tokens as a New Concept of Authenticity in Digital Art".
- Sofia Pessina gave a presentation "Too Good To Go as sociotechnical system”.
11. veebruar
- Merja Bauters and Abiodun Ogunyemi carried out a workshop: "Digital Culture, Competencies and Open Society."
- DTI collaborator Biotoopia and Keynote Speaker – Kelli Turmann, gave presentation about how art has already found its meaningful and deeper path in natural sciences, but what about IT and technology?