
Tallinn University and University of Ghana are planning a long-term cooperation

On the 8th of October the delegation of the University of Ghana visited Tallinn University to discuss ways of building the TLU-UG collaboration into a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. UG delegation met TLÜ rector Professor Tõnu Viik, Vice-Rector for Research Professor Katrin Niglas, Vice-Rector for Development Professor Katrin Saks and representatives of those Schools with whom UG has plans for further collaboration.


University of Ghana is tightly cooperating with the School of Digital Technologies of Tallinn University. The School supports UG in the curation of new programmes focusing on Digital Learning in Education and also newly designed Digital learning games programme.

During the visit the director of the School of Digital Technologies Professor Peeter Normak reiterated that School wants to see mutually beneficial projects rolled out as a result of this collaboration. P. Normak showcased areas where DTIs expertise are and indicated there is a need the work on developing an agenda for joint courses, projects and research that will give alasting evidence of the relevance of the collaboration between the two schools.

The Delegation further held a meeting with the representatives of the School of  Governance, Law and  Society (SOGOLAS) who is collaborating with the University of Ghana’s Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD). UG delegation also paid a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Gustav Adolf School in order to get familiar with Estonian school system.

The delegation formally invited representatives of Tallinn University and the Republic of Estonia to their 75th Annual New School Conference which will take place from the 9th - 11th of January 2024. The conference brings together both local and international experts as well as all and sundry - industry, education, district and municipal leaders, chiefs, kings and queens and the business community.

Read about the previous visit of UG delegation